Wicked Lil' Brat - Page 26

You know what's ironic?

If Mason does this investment and takes Mom's advice, and it goes bad, then basically people are going to say that he doesn't have the right judgment to lead the Firm and they're going to try and expel him.

But if he doesn't do this investment, they're going to say the same thing.

I know what you're thinking, hun. You're not saying it, but I know you're wondering about it.

Why am I still around him, right?

I mean, even if you didn't think it, it probably crossed your mind at some point or another.

I mean, I'm smart. People tell me I'm pretty, but it's hard to tell some mornings, you know?

I'm funny, I hope.

What I'm trying to say is I could be a catch, I think.

I could make a guy happy.

So why am I hanging around a guy that's 16 years older than me, and technically married to my Mom? Why am I putting myself in the middle of a corporate boardroom fight that's involving billions of dollars and a global financial services giant? Why am I standing so close to a man that loves to play with fire?

It can't just be his cock, can it? It can't be the way he fucks me.

I mean, sure I like sex. I'm no virgin. I had a pretty active sex life in college. I had one even before I met Mason.

I don't apologize for that. If you're shaking your head or whatever, I mean, you can put the book down I guess.

Sex is supposed to be fun and supposed to be enjoyable. It's not supposed to be something you feel ashamed about. Or judged about. Or embarrassed about.

Sorry, hun, I'm not getting preachy or anything.

I guess I'm trying to tell myself it's okay that I'm technically fucking my stepdad.

There. I said it.

I might have said it before, but I'm saying it again.

I'm having sex with my stepdad. Hot, dirty, mind-altering, life-changing, dirty, filthy, nasty fucking with my stepdad. My stepfather. While he's married on paper to my mother.

God, I am so turned on right now.

I mean, it's hard not to let the situation turn you on.

Especially when the only thing competing for my attention are these dry facts and figures on a spreadsheet about Red Lion Aviation.

I pulled their mandatory required employee filings that they had to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission in order to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

I don't know why, okay?

I guess I'm just looking for something.


But wow, it's so hard to focus when my brain's attention is split between Red Lion Aviation employee records and thinking about Mason's 12-inch, veiny, thick cock.

I mean, that thing is massive. I can't believe how good it feels when it gets hard in my hand and I'm serious when I tell you that when I see it I have this urge that's almost uncontrollable to put it in my mouth.

Like the warmth of the tip as I wrap my lips around it and feel it on the corners of my mouth is just amazing. And when he puts it inside of me...yeah, I'm pretty wet right now.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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