Wicked Lil' Brat - Page 27

I glance at the clock on my computer. It's actually pretty late and a lot of the office has gone home for the night.

It might not be that dangerous to just pop into the restroom, go into a stall, and work this tension out.

Have a quick orgasm, calm down, focus on this and get it done. So then I can head home and maybe even call Mason to come over and fuck me for real.

I think that might be a good...


Do you see that?

Right, you can't see my screen from where you are.

But, I think I just discovered something that might be the key. I look at my computer really quickly and then take a screenshot from the keyboard and mail the picture to my work email.

Five seconds later my tablet chimes, telling me that I have a new email.

Taking the tablet, I get up and start walking.

I get to the elevator and head to the 5th floor where Mason's office is.

Yeah, I work on the 18th floor. The executives all sit on the lower floors.

Oh right, that's something that doesn't make sense right? Let me explain it to you. It takes a bit to walk from the elevators as the doors open to get to Mason's office anyways.

See, it's really pretty simple. Back in the day, the more senior you were, the higher up in the building you sat. Better views. Less accessible to the common workers. All that old guard Wall Street stuff.

Then 9/11 happened. And all of a sudden you had executives making $150 million a year who were jumping from the 102nd floor while you had the lowly interns and mailroom clerks running to safety from the ground floor.

So Wall Street changed. Today, the closer you are to the ground is the higher up in the food chain you are. So you have the Board of Directors who have their offices on the 5th through 10th floors.

And then you have the Finance and Human Resources people sitting on the 60th floor, admiring the views.

Because Wall Street views them as more expendable than the executives.

It sucks, huh? Everything about this industry is based on how much value you have.

I mean, look at Mason's office.

He's got a bathroom and a shower in here I notice as I walk in. I make sure to close the door behind me. This conversation is not for public consumption.

He looks up at me.

"The door was open," I say, all of a sudden a bit nervous. Just because we have sex in private doesn't mean I should parade myself around in public like this. What if he was in a meeting?

But he seems genuinely interested to see me.

"What's up?" he says, leaning back in his leather chair.

I take a moment to look at the man.

Tall, fit, strong, muscular. Everything I could ever want.

Is it possible to fall in love with your stepdad?

He's at a solid oak desk, the kind where the front of the desk has a board going across the back so you can't actually see his feet or the space underneath the desk.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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