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Wicked Lil' Brat

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"Thanks," I say, walking away from the desk and wondering what my next move will be. I start walking and then, by chance, notice a restaurant off of the main lobby. It's called The Garden and it's decorated with faux tr

ees and plush, neutral colored chairs. It looks like an inviting enough place.

When my eyes scan the patrons, I can't believe my luck. I spot Mason … and he's dining with Lorna. They seem to be smiling, eating, and drinking cocktails.

What's he doing here, with her? I thought he wasn't even taking any of her calls?

None of it makes sense.

I debate whether or not I should approach them. On the one hand, if I walk up, I look like a desperate, lost puppy who can't keep her hands off of Mason. It feels like a blow to my ego. But on the other hand, if I don't talk to Mason now, there's no telling when I'll have the opportunity to again.

I take a deep breath.

I have to walk up to them. It's now or never.

I have to somehow let Mason know that I need to talk to him. It's important. I swallow my nerves and approach them.

Lorna is the first one to notice me.

"Becca, what a pleasant surprise," she says, flashing me a smile that is anything but friendly. It's like a viper ready to strike.

Mason looks up, and gives me a casual wave. There's nothing in his eyes or body language that suggests he's excited to see me, and it leaves me confused. Did he not receive the dozen or so text messages from me? Or has he somehow decided that he wants nothing to do with me?

My stomach sinks.

Maybe Lorna has finally succeeded in getting inside of his head?

It's hard to tell. And it's driving me crazy. I have so much I need to ask him, but I can't ask him with Lorna around.

"Would you like to join us?" she asks, motioning toward the empty seat at the table. As she says this, she slides her hand affectionately on top of Mason's and he doesn't pull away.

Perhaps I'm right.

Maybe she has finally gotten to him.



Great. Just fucking great.

The one person—the one woman—who I really didn't want to see here at this moment is now sitting in front of me.

She's been texting and calling me relentlessly, and I can't fucking face her. As of right now, I don't know what to say. I've been avoiding her for a reason.

Lorna points to the empty seat at our table and then slides her cold, thin hand on top of mine. It's supposed to be an act of affection to get under Becca's skin, but instead it gets under mine. I want to recoil, but I can't. Her touch repulses me. You have no idea to what end.

"Would you like to join us?" Lorna asks Becca.

Please say no, please say no, please say no, I beg to myself. It's a mantra I somehow hope she can subliminally pick up, but of course I know that's wishful thinking.

I look at Becca's face and I can see a range of emotions flash through her eyes. She's fighting the urge to leave, but she ultimately decides to stay.

"I think I have an extra few minutes to spare," she says.

Fuck. Of course she's deciding to stick around.

She looks at me, trying to decipher what's going on, but I refuse to hold her gaze. I can't stomach looking at her right now. I've ignored her for this long, what's another day, right? Except that every minute at this table seems to stretch out for a fucking eternity.

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