The Biggest Licker - Page 122

"Well, you should also know how important this job is to me—and this election."

"I know that too."

His eyes resume their fire and he gives me an intense gaze. We hold the gaze for a few moments, but it feels like it might as well be an eternity, and then he speaks again.

"I can forgive you for sleeping with Jocelyn—with my wife—but I can never forgive you for costing me this election."

"I don't understand."

"Then listen closely because I will only tell you this once. If you cost me this election, you will be dead to me, and that is exactly what will happen if you and Jocelyn are together."

"But I love her—I—"

"Consider what I'm saying to you right now."

"I hear what you're saying. Believe me, I have no intention on costing you this election. I want you to win and I know you can. You're my dad—the only dad I know. You've always been there for me."

Michael doesn't expect the sentimental spiel and I can tell it has caught him off guard, but I continue because I mean it. It's the truth.

"But I do love Jocelyn and she loves me. We're going to start a family—together. And I promise you that it won't ruin your mayoral campaign."

He laughs. "Oh to be young and naïve. That's such a foolish thing to say. Lance, listen to yourself for just a minute! A scandal like this will rock every news site there is. Reporters will have a field day with this story, don't you see? They'll be licking their lips as they watch me bleed and run my name through the mud. My entire campaign has been built on family values. This will be seen as the biggest joke of all."

"That won't happen," I say. "I have a plan."

New York Daily Journal

From the Desk of Amanda Adams, the Professional Gossiper of Page Two.

Welcome to Page Two Gossip, here’s what we’re hearing around the halls of power:

With two days to go before the mayoral election, it seems we’ve started to see some balls start coming out of left field.

First we have rumors of a major rift opening up between the Mayor and his pregnant wife, Jocelyn Anders. Sources inside the Mayor’s campaign talking on condition of anonymity because this is super secret confirm to me that the Mayor and his wife are not, and have not been sleeping in the same bedroom for months. It could be even before the election.

But wait, wasn’t this the happy family? Wasn’t the mayor all about family values? In fact, wasn’t his wife getting pregnant in the middle of the election?

Yep. All of that was supposed to be Hizzoner, but deep cover sources are telling me that a lot of what we think we know is very, very different from what’s actually happening.

Second curveball. Just when things were starting to go right, it looks like our bad boy heartthrob has fallen off the wagon. Reports have been surfacing for a few days that New Yorkers are starting to see Lance Anders—the son of the mayor—back to his usual antics. He’s been spotted at the VIP section of Pasha—the high end Chelsea nightclub, partying into the early hours of the morning.

Sources also tell me—again under complete anonymity—that he’s moved out of the Mayor's townhome. That’s right. Something must have happened between the Mayor and his son that was so bad that Lance moved out. He’s been spotted at the Plaza and I have two sources confirming that he’s been staying there. Not just that, but this whole thing may be revolving around a mystery lover that Lance has. Does daddy not approve of whoever Lance is dating? Is that why he moved out? This story is getting juicier the more layers we dig.

Third and final curveball. Jocelyn Anders has announced a press conference for tomorrow. At the time of this printing, we have no idea what she plans to speak about, but we’re willing to guess based on the information that we have so far. We think it has to do with the same reason that our sources are telling us that there’s marital discord between what we thought was the happy couple. In fact, it could even deal with the baby itself. Oh, this could end up being bigger than we even thought, New York. In a rare step, the Mayor’s wife has also agreed to open up the press conference to the public.

She’ll be speaking at noon tomorrow on the steps of City Hall.

One thing we know for sure, Jocelyn Anders hails from a political family. If she’s coming out in public then something has gone on behind the scenes that's big enough to rock the boat a few days before the election. And whatever it is, you can bet that we’re going to get you the full story behind what they say. Till tomorrow then, New York. This is Amanda Adams signing off. Keep your ears open, New York.


The press are lined up in the front. The photographers are snapping pictures. I can’t understand how they even manage to look like they’ve gone through a full day when it’s still only 10 am.

Yeah, hon, you guessed it. I’m so nervous. I almost decided to call the whole thing off today when I woke up.

I mean, can you blame me? I’m going to go in front of 8.5 million people in a few minutes right now and tell them that I’ve been a bad wife. That not only that, but I’ve seduced my own steps

on. Talk about chickens coming home to roost.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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