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The Biggest Licker

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My eyes flick back to the dark-haired beauty. Her tongue flicks out to lick her lips, and I suppress a groan. Just like that, I’m hard as steel. I need to get laid, and soon. It’s been way too long.

Trying to keep my focus on my surroundings and not on the way the girl across from me shifts in her seat, pressing her thighs together, I drag my eyes away from her. Can’t lose focus on my surroundings. I learned that the hard way.

The train comes to a stop at the next station, and the girl on the bike jumps up, distressed. I watch, waiting. But she simply exits the car when the doors slide open.

Well then. That was new. Just when you think you’ve seen it all.

A new set of passengers board the train, and the process starts all over again. Me checking to make sure there’s no danger.

The girl with the dark waves looks over at me, her eyes narrowing as she tries to get a better glimpse of me in the shadows. Her gaze trails over my arms, my chest, my abs, and she smiles. I can see the desire written all over her. Seeing that couple on the bike got her just as worked up as I am.

A slow smile lifts the corner of my lips. Maybe she’s game for a little fun?

I don’t know, though. She looks like a good girl. Someone that wouldn’t be down with a quick fuck with a stranger.

I lean forward, testing. “Where you headed?”

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “Depends.”

I smile. Oh yeah. She’s game.

“Want to grab a drink?”

A twinge of hesitation flashes across her face for a second. Can’t blame her. She doesn’t know me. For all she knows, I could be a crazed killer. Part of that might be right, but only because that’s what I was trained for.

I lean back, resting my arms on the back of the seats with an easy grin, trying to put her at ease.

She opens her mouth, looking curious but uncertain, but just as she’s about to say something, the train slows, and there’s a moment of shuffling as the few passengers on the train stand to get off.

The first one off is bike sex dude, followed by an older woman and a young guy in a hoodie, his face barely visible.

Suddenly, I’m on high alert. Something feels off. A shift in the air. I stand, watching. Waiting.

Hoodie boy darts back into the train so fast anyone else would have been thrown off guard. He pulls a knife and holds it out toward the dark beauty I had my eye on, yelling for her to give him her purse.

I react on pure instinct and adrenaline.


I can’t stop the scream of terror from ripping from my throat as this kid shoves a knife in my face.

I’m furious at myself for being such an idiot, not paying attention, but I’m too terrified to do anything but scramble as far away as I can.

What was I thinking not being aware of my surroundings?

I know exactly what it was—I was too busy checking out the sexy guy sitting across from me in the shadows. Even in the dim light, I could tell he was one of the hottest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on. Huge, broad shoulders, insane biceps, and piercing eyes that were looking at me in a way that ought to be illegal.

The tension in the air between us was nearly tangible, thanks to the couple on the bike that had me trying to remember just how long it had been since I’d done something wild and reckless like that. Short answer? Never.

And that little distraction was all it took. I’m about to be mugged on the subway.

It’s like everything happens at once.

The guy sitting across from me jumps into action, a blur as he pounces on the kid, one arm locking around his neck while the other grips his wrist, doing something I can barely keep track of that makes the knife clatter to the floor.

Then he’s collapsing to the floor. In fifteen seconds, the whole thing is over.

My hands fly to my mouth, unable to stop the shaking that suddenly takes over my body. Someone must have pulled the alarm because the doors to the train remain open and we don’t move.

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