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The Biggest Licker

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My eyes sear into hers, and her breathing becomes more labored, her chest heaving against mine, torturing me. Her eyes are dark with lust. It’s a fucking good thing she never looked at me like this when we were younger. I would have ruined her.

I lift my hand to her porcelain face, brushing my thumb over her lips then winding my fingers into her blonde waves. “You have no idea what’s going through my mind right now. I shouldn’t take you home with me.”

Poppy’s mouth parts on a gasp as she studies my face. “Tell me.”

I take her hand from my chest and press it against my raging hard-on, showing her exactly what I’m thinking, what she does to me. “You may regret agreeing to come with me.”

She shakes her head, licking her lips and crushing my last bit of resolve to do the right thing. Her hand tightens around my stiff cock, and I groan.

But her words completely do me in.

“Regret is the last thing I’m going to feel. I’ve wanted this as long as I can remember.”


I want him so badly I can barely stand it. I’ve always wanted him. From the time our parents married when we were teenagers up until this very moment, part of me has dreamed of the day Dom would be more than just a fantasy.

I wasn’t sure it would ever come. But as my hand strokes up and down his hard length straining against his jeans, I know that day is today. I can’t even believe I’m having this effect on him. He is so hard. So big. It terrifies me and thrills me all at once.

His eyes go a little wild. “You want this?” he grits out.

I nod, my eyes dropping to his mouth. “So much.”

“Fuck, Poppy.” His eyes dart around the train as if he’s looking to see if anyone is watching.

I don’t even care if anyone is. That’s how desperate I am to have more of him. Right the fuck now.

I scrape my fingers down over his cock and smile in satisfaction when I feel it twitch beneath my hand. “You want it, too?”

His laugh is sharp with a touch of bitterness. “You have no idea, do you?” His eyes cloud over again.


“This. This right here. I’ve wanted this from

the moment I first saw you.”

I feel like a cartoon character whose eyes bug from their head. “Come on, Dom. Be serious.”

An intensity grips him, and he takes my jaw in his hand. “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I tried to stay away from you, Poppy. I knew it was wrong. That’s why I left. I couldn’t resist you anymore, and I knew if I stuck around I would mess everything up.”

A million questions fly through my head. All the shame I felt all those years for feeling this attraction to him—and he felt it too? All the hurt he caused me when he left—he did it with good intentions. I don’t know what to think. How to process it.

So instead of addressing it, I say, “Why now?”

“You’ve haunted me for years. Even tonight when I was sitting in that booth before you came onstage—” his eyes harden for a moment, “—you were who I was thinking about. And when I saw you? The idea of you up there and all those fuckers seeing you made me crazy. Not when, as wrong as it is, I can’t think of you as anything but mine.”

I gasp at his admission.

His eyes go darker. “I snapped. And when I saw you, your gorgeous, incredible body, I knew I couldn’t fight it anymore. So you need to know now. If you come home with me, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to make up for all those years of wanting you. I’m going to put you exactly where you belong. On my cock. And I’m going to make you cum so hard that you forget anyone who ever came before me.”

Wild, crazy sparks take off all over my body, every nerve in my body screaming for him to do what he just said. His words alone have me so wet that I can barely stand it, my pussy clenching around the emptiness that begs to be filled with him.

I squeeze his cock again, desperate to have him inside me. “Please,” I beg on a pant.

“You better be sure, Poppy. Be sure you want this.”

I stare at him for a moment, hardly believing this is real, afraid that I’m going to wake up and discover it’s not.

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