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The Biggest Licker

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I arch a brow. “Yes, Evan?”

He chuckles. “I got the distinct impression you weren’t sure you actually wanted to meet me tonight.”

I shift uncomfortably. “Yeah, well.” How do I put this? “Fawning all over a rock star isn’t exactly my thing.”

He nods like he gets it. Smiles like he likes it.

“What do you do?” he asks, reaching up to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. The gesture is so casual, so relaxed and natural, but I feel his presence all around me, filling up the space between us.

And that’s how it is all night. Easy conversation. Laughter over drinks. Subtle touches. And a vibe that makes it seem like we’re old friends.

Other than the growing tension I feel every time he stops talking and stares at me for too long with a bit of hunger in his eyes. At least I think that’s what it is.

I almost can’t believe it when I realize that hours have passed. “Oh my god. I need to get home. I can’t believe it’s so late.”

“Or so early.”

He’s right. It’s three in the morning.

“Let me take you home.”

I pause, trying to decide what he means by that. Ta

ke me home or take me home? I’m equally unsure what I want him to mean.

A fling with a rock star? Hello, isn’t that every girl’s dream? If not, it’s always been mine. But that’s exactly it. It’s always been a dream. Facing the possibility of it being a reality is a bit crazy. Okay, a whole lot of crazy.

“Sure,” I finally say, because I definitely don’t want to ride the train all alone this late.

We head to the station, and he slings an arm around my neck, singing one of their rock ballads as we walk. I must be half-drunk because I start singing along.

This night has been amazing. I haven’t felt this carefree in a really long time, and I just let loose as I sing.

He stops and stares, just at the top of the steps leading underground.


“Your voice. It’s gorgeous.”

I smile shyly. “Thanks.”

I’m not even embarrassed like I normally would be at that kind of statement. I’m just so comfortable with him. It’s crazy. And that’s when I know. I want to do this. I want to spend one wild, crazy night with Evan Anderson. Just because I can.

I take a step closer to him, fisting his shirt in my hands and rising up on my toes so I can reach his ear. “Take me home.”

He has no trouble understanding what I mean when I say it.

He just flashes me that cocky grin that I find so sexy and grabs my hand, leading my down the stairs to the train station.


We’re the only ones in the car of the train. It’s crazy. I’m not in New York a lot, but I’m pretty sure that’s not a common occurrence.

Tatum sits beside me as the train lurches forward, her eyes wide as she studies me. “I don’t do this,” she blurts out.

I laugh. “I know.”

Her eyes narrow now. “How?”

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