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Italian Boss, Ruthless Revenge

Page 21

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‘She sounded anxious,’ Caitlyn attempted. ‘She sounded like—’

‘She probably was anxious, given that I told her that if she didn’t get back to me by five p.m. Friday I would be commencing legal proceedings—which I was just in the process of till I saw your little note. Why the hell didn’t you think to check? Of all the bloody incompetent—’

‘Now, hold on a minute!’ Standing up, even in killer heels, she was no match for his height—or his wrath—but she gave it her best shot. He’d been bloody all week—nothing like the man who’d interviewed her—and Caitlyn was seriously wondering if she’d see out the first week, let alone last a year! ‘Her name wasn’t on Jenna’s precious list, and if I put through every anxious, depressed, teary or tipsy woman who calls for you, you might as well get rid of your desk and sit at one of those old-fashioned switchboards! “Mr Ranaldi…”’ she mimicked—who, she didn’t know, but she was boiling angry now. ‘“Just connecting you now!”’

‘Next time someone you don’t know calls for me,’ Lazzaro said tartly, but his mouth was actually twitching as he tried not to smile, ‘you are to check with me.’

As if on cue her phone rang and, still bristling, Caitlyn picked it up, introducing herself calmly. Just a teeny glint came to her eye. ‘One moment, please. I’ll just check.’

‘Tanya.’ She smiled sweetly, but her eyes were mutinous. ‘Should I put her through?’

‘No!’ Lazzaro snapped.

‘Only she says it’s urgent—she sounds quite anxious, actually!’

‘Tell her I’ve left for the weekend.’ He raked a hand through his hair. ‘But now you’ve bloody put her on hold she’s going to know I’m here!’

‘I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.’ Taking Tanya off hold, Caitlyn was as sweet as she was convincing. ‘I thought I might be able to catch him at Reception for you, but he’s already left for the weekend—I’ll be sure to let him know that you called, though.’

Replacing the receiver, she waited—would wait till Monday if she had to.

‘Okay…’ He gave the tiniest shrug. ‘Next time just…’ His voice trailed off.

‘Just what?’ Caitlyn pushed. ‘Do you want me to put them through, check with you, or use my initiative? Which, given I don’t possess psychic powers, isn’t always going to be spot-on!’

‘Okay! Okay!’ He threw his hands up in exasperation before storming off. ‘I accept that.’

‘So do I,’ she said to his departing back. ‘Your apology, that is.’

And for the first time in the whole week—at five past five on Friday—he smiled. Actually turned to her and smiled.

‘You’re pushing your luck now! I still have to ring Roberta—and call off my lawyer.’ But he was still smiling! ‘Look, why don’t you go home?’

Which was better than an apology, given that every other night she’d been here till well into the double digits. ‘Well, if you’re sure…’ Caitlyn sniffed, still refusing to completely forgive him.

‘Of course. You’ve worked hard this week.’ It was the first compliment he’d paid her since she’d started, and all her anger just evaporated. Finally returning his smile, she reached for her bag. ‘I’ll see you at seven a.m.’

‘Seven a.m.?’ Caitlyn blinked. ‘But it’s Saturday tomorrow.’

‘Which is exactly why I want to check out the peninsular resort. I’m considering buying it to offer my overseas clients a break from the city at weekends—so naturally I want to spend a weekend there.’

‘But it isn’t booked,’ Caitlyn said hopefully, visions of collapsing in the bath, shaving her legs and putting on a face mask, or just doing nothing, fading as the reality of this job caught up.

‘We’ll ring on the way.’ Lazzaro shrugged. ‘I’d like to see what they come up with at short notice, and we’ll use an alias—I don’t want them to even have a hint that it’s me who’s arriving.’ He registered her frown. ‘I’m always one step ahead of everyone, Caitlyn, that’s why I’m so successful. You’d do well to remember that.’

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