24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 55


Lana Angel

My name is Lana Angel and I’m a bestselling writer.

Do you know what that feels like? It feels like I’ve entered the Hall of Gods to join their ranks. Remember how I looked up to Abby Cleveland? How I wanted to be just like her? Yeah, I finally got what I wanted.

Except, instead of scoring a boyfriend out of the whole deal, I managed to score two of them. But back to my writing career.

The Virgin Market sold thousands of copies, and it beat all expectations. I single-handedly made dark romance a genre that people flock to. I mean, there are writers cranking out cheap knock-offs of what I wrote! How insane is that? Lana Hartley, trailblazer and setter of trends—yeah, you can write that down on my tombstone when I die.

It’s unbelievable, really. People stop me in the street, shoving their copies of The Virgin Market under my nose and begging me for an autograph. To be honest, I still haven’t learned how to cope with this sudden stardom, but I’m loving every moment of it.

Besides, it helps that I have Abby Cleveland in my corner, rooting for me and giving me all the advice I need. More than that, she has made me a part of the Naughty Angel inner circle, and I’ve met all of the big players in her company.

It kinda boggles the mind if you think that Naughty Angel Publishing started the way it did; Abby broke all the rules and somehow, managed to remain true to herself. Despite all odds, she made 12 Inches a reality and crushed the romance market.

To think that the same thing is happening to me… I mean, it's almost unbelievable, don’t you think? Weeks ago I was just a staff writer, one of a dozen of assistants, and now here I am, a key player in the best publishing house in the romance industry.

And, yeah, if you’re wondering, The Virgin Market really turned my bank account into a success. Remember my studio apartment? Yeah, that’s long gone. Now I’m living it up in a three-bedroom apartment with all the amenities a writer like me needs. Now, I just need to convince Logan and Anders that I really, really, need a cat.

But don’t think that a writer’s life is an easy life. Oh, no, far from it. In fact, right now it’s 3 am and I’m still sitting at my desk, staring at my laptop and slowly making the words appear on the screen. That’s right, I’m already hard at work on my new manuscript. Want to know what it's about? Sorry, hun, but I really can’t tell. You’ll have to wait until I release it so that you can dive in.

Just between you and I though, I’ve been getting a lot of inspiration from all the sex I’ve been having. I have two insatiable men by my side, after all. It seems like I have more sex than meals nowadays. And, no, I’m not complaining.

“Still awake?” I hear Logan say, and I raise my eyes from the laptop to stare toward the other end of the living room. He’s standing there, his hair disheveled and his eyes still puffed from sleep, and he’s wearing only boxer briefs.

“I was just finishing this chapter,” I tell him with a smile, typing three more words and finishing off for the day. “But now I’m ready to go to bed,” I continue, saying that more to myself than to him.

“C’mon,” he says, walking all the way toward me and forcing me to go up to my feet. Then, he bends over slightly and places one arm under the back of my knees; reacting fast, I place one arm around his neck and allow him to pick me up from the floor.

“Such a gentleman,” I laugh, placing my free hand against his naked chest and feeling his heartbeat under the palm of my hand. I let him carry me all the way toward the bedroom, and my eyes dart to Anders almost immediately; he’s already lying there, under the sheets, and he opens his eyes lazily as he hears us come in.

“Just in time,” he yawns, sitting up on the bed. “I was having an insane dream…”

“Was I in it?” I ask him as Logan puts me down on the bed and climbs up next to me.

“You and Logan,” Anders whispers softly, a wicked grin dawning on his lips. The kind of grin that says I hope you weren’t getting ready to sleep, because I have something on my mind.

“Your dirty mind never stops,” I laugh, lying down and pressing my body against his. Logan lies next to me, on my other side, and spoons me. I feel his cock harden up against my ass cheeks and I do the only thing I can, I jut my ass back, rubbing his cock with my ass.

In case you’re wondering, yeah, I share a bed with these two. I’m a famous writer, and I live with the two most handsome men who have ever walked the Earth. Yep, I’m living the dream! And what a dream it is…

Placing one hand on Anders’ chest, I slide it down his body and under the sheets, and I only stop when his erect mast stands in the way. I curl my fingers around Anders’ cock and, at the same time, I thrust back against Logan’s.

“Need some inspiration, uh?” Logan whispers against my ear, kissing my neck and running one hand through my hair.

“I always need inspiration,” I reply with a hoarse voice, feeling a wetness taking over my pussy. I close my eyes and surrender to their embrace, happiness making my heart dance inside my chest.


p; This is my life now.

And, more than all the sex, money, and fame, there’s one thing I prize the most about my new life: the love of these two men.

They’re my whole life, and I’m theirs.

And that’s what love is all about.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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