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Italian Boss, Ruthless Revenge

Page 37

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Ranaldi’s Roma was clearly the jewel in the Ranaldi crown.

Lazzaro’s bloody mood wasn’t aimed solely at her though. After the briefest shower and change in history, with barely a second to take in her stunning suite, there was a sharp rap at her door and work began. Lazzaro met with his staff throughout the day and picked fault with everything—from the food and the selection in the private wine cellar to some unfortunate bellboy whose shirt wasn’t tucked in properly. He waltzed through the place, knowing he owned it, and everyone quailed—and Caitlyn trailed. In fact, by the time the old-fashioned lift creaked her up towards her room that evening, not for the first time since taking the position of Lazzaro’s assistant, all she felt was exhausted…and not just physically.

His rejection, his cruel dismissal, had cut her to the very core of her being—yet there had been no chance to examine it, no time to process it, to retreat and lick her wounds.

Till now—only now she was too damned tired.

There were no fancy swipe cards here. Instead she opened her door with a key that was as old as time, and thankfully closed the door on the longest day of her life. Her tired eyes took in her suite: the vibrant clash of golds and reds that worked so brilliantly, the intricate flower arrangements, the white shutters at the endless thin windows. Even the vast carved walnut bed couldn’t dominate the massive bedroom, but it was the only thing that held her interest. Not even bothering to take off her make-up, Caitlyn dropped her clothes to the floor and brushed her teeth, then sank into bed, trying to summon the energy to book a wake-up call.

She sighed at the soft knocking at her door, choosing to ignore it. She was just closing her eyes as the maid let herself in—no doubt to turn down the bed she was already in…

‘Caitlyn…’ Though softly spoken, Lazzaro’s word made her jump.

‘What the hell are you doing in here?’ Sitting bolt-upright, she pulled the sheet tightly around her, scarcely able to believe his audacity. ‘Don’t tell me—you’ve got a master key to the place.’

‘You didn’t lock your door,’ Lazzaro pointed out, sitting down in the darkness on the bed beside her. ‘Look—’

‘No!’ Without waiting to hear what he wanted, she shook her head. ‘I know it’s only seven o’clock, I know you warned me that we’d be busy, and you’ve probably got a million things you want to do this evening and a million people you want to see—’

‘Just one.’

‘Please,’ Caitlyn said, not even attempting to keep the note of weariness out of her voice, ‘can’t you manage it without me—just this once?’

‘Probably,’ Lazzaro said, his fingers moving to sheet, his breath warm on her cheek. Caitlyn realised he wasn’t here about work. ‘Only it wouldn’t be anywhere near as nice!’

His depraved response eked out of her the tiniest shocked laugh, and Lazzaro pounced, his mouth claiming hers. But Caitlyn pulled back.

‘Don’t!’ she sobbed. ‘You’ve been vile all day…’

‘That was work…’ He was raining kisses on her face, his hands pulling her rigid arms to her sides, and, brimming with loathing and longing, she fought to resist as he clouded her mind.

‘Not just at work…’ He was kissing her quiet, his mouth dulling her words, but again she pulled back. ‘You ignored me…’

‘I’m not ignoring you now…’ Lazzaro husked, then groaned into her neck. ‘Caitlyn, please. This endless day has been hell…’

Naked beneath the sheet, her body begged for no more questions. He was here, he’d come to her, somehow he needed her tonight, and it must be enough to hush her worried mind. His hands were cupping her face as he kissed away her doubts, and her sob of anger was aimed at herself as she pulled at his suit, as her fingers tore at his clothes.

Could she do it? Caitlyn begged of herself as he entered her.

Could she be the woman he came to at night if he gave nothing of himself in the morning?

‘Yes!’ Caitlyn sobbed her answer out loud, then sobbed it again. ‘Yes…’ she whimpered, her nails digging into the taut muscles of his back as he moved deep within her, tears spilling out of her eyes as he took her to the edge, then toppled her over.

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