24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 244

Well, forget I ever said anything because feeling that beautiful ass on my dick is enough to remind me of the reasons that I’m so fucking in love with this woman.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s not just the sex. She’s honestly such an amazing person that I can’t even begin to describe it. So warm. So loving. So pure.

Yeah, pure. I know her past. A porn star who’s starting over. But inside that, past that, is a purity that you don’t see in a lot of people.

I know she’s struggling with something more though. I just can’t—

Wait, did you hear that?

I stop thinking and pay attention and a moment later I hear the doorbell chime once more.

Sighing to myself, I realize that whoever is at the door probably has a good reason to be here at 7:30 am.

With great fucking reluctance, I slowly extricate myself from Brittney. Even though she’s sleeping, I can tell Brittney misses my body. She gives off a little mewl as I get out of bed and put on a robe.

I pad over to the living room. The sun is just rising above the buildings on 5th Avenue. It’s a fucking beautiful sight that reminds me why I love living in New York City.

I open the door and somehow, I’m just not really fucking surprised at all to see Cheryl.

She’s already dressed in a prim and proper black suit and pencil skirt. I step aside to let her in.

“Sleeping in?” Cheryl asks me with a wry smile and a raised eyebrow.

I groan. “It’s 7:30 in the fucking morning, Cheryl,” I manage to say as I walk over to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

“They say the early bird gets the worm,” she replies back, following me.

“My worm gets enough fucking bird, thank you,” I tell Cheryl as she rolls her eyes at me.

I pour my coffee as Cheryl sets down her tablet and turns it on.

“Would you like to go over the plans so far for the launch?” she asks me.

I look at Cheryl. “It’s 7:30 in the morning, Cheryl…” I begin, but if she cares, she doesn’t show it.

“We are three months away from releasing the one product that will revolutionize the pornography industry in ways that dwarf what the VCR did, Ethan,” she tells me sternly. “7:30 in the morning means absolutely nothing to me.”

She’s got a point. I need to not go soft.

“Let’s go to the living room,” I tell her, and grab her a cup of coffee and take it with me. I sit down on the sofa and she remains standing.

“Like I said, we’re launching in three months, and we’re going directly out to 192 countries,” she begins.

Now I’m in work mode. “How many retailers have signed on

?” I ask. I’m not hopeful. I mean we’re talking about a virtual reality porn product.

“We’ve gotten commitments from Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Amazon, and CostCo for superior product placement,” Cheryl says and I do a double take.

“Really? Holy fucking shit,” I exclaim. She nods her head.

“They all see the intrinsic value in this,” she tells me. I shake my head. A lot has certainly changed since I was a fucking kid.

“We’re working with other major retailers such as Dollar Tree, Sears, as well as independent retailers to take us on, and we’re still waiting to hear from Google and Apple,” Cheryl finishes.

I nod my head. “Press?” I ask.

“Generally favorable so far, and I think the announcement we did in Times Square got us on the front page,” Cheryl says. “It has also attracted a fair amount of unwanted attention,” she finishes.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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