24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 311

One thing's for sure; I definitely won't be going to his apartment tonight.

I reach for my overnight bag and draw back the zipper. I grab the lingerie sitting on top of my clothes and wipe back a tear that's threatening to spill out from the corner of my eye.

I throw the lingerie to the floor in disgust.

I'm not helpless, and I'm certainly not weak, or gullible.

If that's what he thinks, he doesn't know me at all.


Lorna is right fucking here. Her tits are nearly spilling out of her dress. Her body is angled into mine. Even the way that I'm sitting has my cock open to her and don't I fucking know it, I feel first her knee rubbing at my crotch, and then her hand starts massaging my cock through my trousers.

She's squeezing it, palpitating it like a shoe saleseman as she squeezes down the shaft looking for the head.

She finally reaches it, and just by her manipulation, she's gotten me fucking hard.

Understand before you get fucking pissed at me that I have zero attraction to Lorna Lowell—I refuse to even think of her with my last name. I fucking hate what she's done to the people around her—her father, her daughter, you name it. There is no way I want to fuck her in this lifetime.

In fact I came in here fully expecting to end this shit.

But she was ready. She was waiting for me to do that. And she pounced.

Try telling someone you’re trying to end the marriage and be nice about it, okay Gorgeous? Especially when they’re the single largest shareholder in your company after you.

It’s not easy.

But my cock doesn't know that. It feels a pair of hands squeezing and massaging it and it's an instinctual response.

Lorna rubs her open palm on the head of my cock as her eyes open wide.

"Jesus Christ, Mason," she whispers throatily. "You're so huge."

Yes, we already fucking know this. 12 fucking inches of pussy pleasing power when the average in the United States for adult men is 5.5 inches. I'm double the man as the national average.

It has Lorna openly salivating. She's breathing heavy.

"I can't wait to see what this cock is going to do to me," she says.

Doesn't she know that her daughter is somewhere in the house?

It grates me enough that I fucking mention it.

"You don't want to close the door even, at least?" I ask, and immediately wonder if she's going to take my question as an acceptance to fuck.

But Lorna, being the selfish person that she is, only shrugs. "And tear myself away from this magnificent cock?" she asks. I sigh. "I'm just saying that as her mother..."

That's when Lorna's face snaps back to reality from whatever deluded lust game she was in.

"I'm not her mother!" she snaps at me. "Her loser of a father brought her into the marriage. He was a widower. When he went off to join his poor wife in the afterlife, it was a tax credit to claim her as my dependent," Lorna explains to me.

There's a fucking ferocity to her that momentarily stuns me.

And is it me, or did you just hear a gasp from outside the door?

Holy fucking Christ, is that Becca?

Does Becca not know about...

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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