24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 338

Technically, I'm still fucking married to her mother, right? Can you imagine the headlines? King of Wall Street Impregnates Stepdaughter?

But fuck the world.

She may be worried, but I'm stunned.

With fucking happiness.

I grab hold of her and without saying anything pull her close to me and kiss her. Hard.

"We're pregnant?" I ask. "We're fucking pregnant?"

"Well, I am," she says, rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out at me.

"Fucking brat," I say smiling.

"Your wicked lil' brat, Daddy," she says, bringing our bedroom play out into the sunshine. "Always yours. Are you upset?"

Why the fuck would I be upset? I hold her close to me and show her how not upset I am.

"With everything you're going through right now, I didn't know," she says in between kisses.

Here is where I pull back.

"We're going to be okay," I tell her.

She nods thoughtfully, both of our minds all of a sudden drifting off to work.

"If only there was a way to show that Mom knows that Red Lion Aviation is a shady company..." Becca trails off.

But I've already been thinking about this. Sure, I may have looked like I gave up and chose Becca last night.

But you know I'm Mason fucking Kane. King of fucking Wall Street. I don't give up that fucking easily, Gorgeous.

"What were you coming to tell me the other day at dinner?" I ask Becca softly. "Was it just to tell me about the baby?"

Becca shakes her head. "I had more research I had done," she says. "I think it could help if we looked into it."

That's what I thought. Baby girl is thorough and meticulous.

"Email me that research," I tell her. "If it's like the last thing you found, I think we can begin to start connecting the dots."

She nods thoughtfully. "You mean from the employee records?"

I nod to her.

You remember what I'm talking about, Gorgeous? Remember Becca found something on the employee records that Red Lion Aviation had to file with the government and showed me?

I hadn't told you what that was yet right?

Well, don't worry. You'll find out soon enough.

“Is everything going to be okay?” Becca asks me, her eyes wide. “You know, with the way you left Mom?”

I shrug. “Lorna is most likely going to get her people to call a Non Confidence vote from the Board to throw me out,” I say calmly. “Say that with not investing in Red Lion and my outside antics I’m not fit to lead the firm.”

She looks at me and I can see her beginning to wonder if this is because of her.

“I have some tricks up my sleeve though, just in case,” I tell her. “Just get me the data, and if there’s a Board Meeting, make sure you make sure to be there.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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