24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 341

Right, I've pretty much had enough of her.

I stand up, and I can tell there are a few eyes on me.

"You know what, Mother," I say to her trying not to raise my voice. "I think I will stay here. Someone has to keep you honest."

"Don't test me, Becca," my mother says to me. "I've ruined and brought down greater men than you can imagine. Your little boyfriend is nothing. You think you'll be saving him?"

I can feel rather than see more eyes staring at me.

"Lorna," Roy Purpus says from the side as he approaches. "Is everything okay?"

Mother turns her head and looks at Roy with a scathing glare. "Go and sit down, Roy," she commands sharply and I jerk back in surprise at her tone. After Mason and then her, he's probably the next most powerful Board Member at Kane Price. He's a Senior Managing Director and he's been with the Firm forever. But what's even more surprising is that he listens to what Mother says, even meekly accepts her public rebuke of him.

"We'll start the meeting as soon as I deal with my wayward daughter," Mother says, more to the room than to anyone in particular.

But why is she giving orders?

I need to stop this. Whether or not Mason Kane is here, someone needs to speak up.

"Mr. Purpus, before you sit down and let my mother take over this meeting since Mason isn't here, there are a few things you need to know about what I found out about Red Lion Aviation," I say out loud to Roy, raising my voice. He turns around and looks at me, as if noticing me for the first time.

I gulp. That did it.

The entire room is now looking at me.

But this is my chance.

"I've done some research into Red Lion Aviation," I begin, my heart starting to beat a mile a minute.

I mean, I'm 21 years old. I'm not supposed to be addressing the Board of Directors of one of the most powerful investment banks in the world.

But here I am.

God, sometimes I hate Mason for stranding me here like this.

"And?" Roy asks.

I notice Mom smile and walk to the head of the table.

A few people eye her warily as she sits down at the head of the table where Mason would be sitting.

I need to get what I have off my chest as quickly as possible.

"We all know the reasons why we're either for or against taking a majority-minority stake in their company," I say. "We think they could grow, but they've got a horrible safety record."

"That's not news," a Board Member that I can't identify says from somewhere in the room.

They're already losing patience with me.

They think I'm a petulant little girl.

They're not going to take me seriously.

But no one else is standing up to her.

I need to continue.

"After their last accident off the coast of Bali, I noticed something about their routes," I begin, reaching to the sofa-bench and pulling up my file that I had brought with me. "The number of passengers and routes began to decrease."

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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