24 Inches (Size Matters 2) - Page 464

"I'll take your questions now," he says and I pause.

It's either going to be finished because he won them over or it's going to be a bloodbath.

For long minutes there's silence and I wonder if Magnus truly could have won everyone over. I mean, I wouldn't put it past him.

But then, the first question comes.

From a reporter I remember from the Daily Journal.

Someone new. Someone Mom hired.

"Mr. Davion, how do you respond to allegations that you coerced your daughter into having sexual relations with you?" he asks.

Magnus bristles. "She's my stepdaughter. And there was no coercion. End of story," he says.

I start walking to the podium. He may have brushed it off but the crudeness of the question is going to stay for a long time unless its squashed.

"Mr. Davion, what proof do you have to substantiate that you did not coerce Penny Wright into a sexual relationship?" another reporter asks. This one is from the Daily Journal as well,.

"I have my word," Magnus says tacitly. "That's going to have to do."

"Mr. Davion, do you believe that in light of these allegations you should still have a place as a builder for the City of New York?" another Daily Journal reporter asks. "Hasn't your image been tarnished enough?"

I can see Magnus stiffen. "I have done nothing wrong," he repeats. "Let me be clear. These are allegations only.

"Are you saying there's a plot out to destroy you?" another reporter asks.

"Isn't that a bit too far-fetched?" yet another Daily Journal reporter piles on. "That the media are trying to tear you down?"

But the ironic thing is, that it's true you know?

You've been here from the start. You know what Mom and Laurel Trask wanted to do. You know what I did for them. I'm close to the podium now. I can see Magnus.

And that's when I realize that this whole thing can be solved in a heartbeat.

I have the power.

I can't believe I forgot all about it.

It just means that I have to step up.

Put my money where my mouth is when I say I love Magnus Davion.

And not a moment too soon.

Magnus is looking defeated there.

"How can we be sure that you did not in fact coerce your stepdaughter when it's just your word against her mothers?" the first reporter is asking again.

But I don't let Magnus answer.

Instead I speak up.

"I can answer that," I say boldly and hopefully loud enough.

It is loud enough it turns out because Magnus turns around in an instant. He looks at me.

His eyes go wide.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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