DILF - Page 17

His cock spasms fast in my hand, as if a high voltage current is running through his muscles, and I lean into him as fast as I can. I wrap my lips around the tip of his cock as he starts gushing, warm semen coating my tongue and flooding my mouth.

I keep him in my mouth as he cums, but he does it for so long that he fills my mouth to the brim, strands of semen dripping down my chin and onto my neck. I pull back and, looking him in the eye, open my mouth to show him the mess he made inside of me. With a mischievous grin, I swallow his entire load as he keeps coming, a thick strand of his juices hitting me across the face.

I go back to stroke him, hell bent on getting his entire load on me; by the time his cock gives its dying spasms against my fingers, I’m glistening from the waist up. Beads of warm cum make their way up and down the curve of my breasts, caressing my hard nipples on their way toward my stomach, and I just sigh heavily as I finally let go of his cock.

“Look at the mess you’ve made of me, daddy,” I tease him, grabbing both my breasts and squeezing them lightly. My skin prickles as the palms of my hands brush against my nipples, and then I just flatten both my hands and start smearing Parker’s fluids all over my naked chest, never taking my eyes off of his.

“That’s my kind of mess,” he whispers, going down on one knee and taking two fingers to my chin, forcing me to raise my head. He looks straight into my eyes, almost as if he’s looking into my soul, and then leans into me. My eyelids droop as he closes the distance between us, and our lips touch softly.

“Not so innocent now, are you?” he asks me, pulling back from my kiss and offering me an amused grin. I bite down on my lower lip, seeing his lips glistening from his own cum, and then smile back at him.

“No, definitely not,” I tell him, grabbing both my breasts again and feeling them slippery under my touch. “You kept your promise.”

“I always keep my promises,” he replies, and my brain gets to work trying to think of ways to make him promise me so much more.

I know, I know… he’s my stepfather and this is wrong. Taboo, forbidden, indecent—whatever you want to call it. But, in the end, who cares? I’m a grown woman, capable of making my own decisions; and if what I want is for a man as gorgeous as my stepfather to fuck me, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Screw society’s prejudice. The way I see it, we’d all be a lot happier if we fucked more and judged less.

It works for me.


New York Daily Journal

A Father-Daughter Dynamic Duo

All the politics, scandals, and dirt...just the way you like it!

The race for the open Senate seat for the sate of New York took a complicated turn today as the Mayor's office announced that the Mayor's stepdaughter through marriage, Amy Aspen, would be joining the campaign for the open Senate seat.

What makes the situation stranger and more unique than prior elections is that the opponent who is facing off against Hizzoner is none other than his ex-wife, Governor Kate Meelios.

Sources close to the Governor have been quiet as to any comment regarding the fact that the daughter of the Governor is working for her ex-husband. In a similar fashion, sources from City Hall have yet to comment themselves on the new arrangement.

Amy Aspen, prior to stepping into the role of campaign advisor for Mayor Trask, has had a rather colorful career. She is the current owner of Kinky Amy's, an online peep show and sex club that stands at the forefront of the digital sexual revolution. An unabashed critic of the double standard by which women and men are judged when it comes to sexual matters, Ms. Aspen has often added a touch of editorial opinions to her videos and website.

Time will tell what exactly Ms. Aspen will bring to the campaign, but already there are rumors circulating that the Governor may not be pleased with the choice of the Mayor to employ his stepdaughter.

New Yorkers have not seen such family drama play out in the city in a long time. It was the administration of Michael Anders that brought about the scandal that led to the divorce of the mayor and his wife, and his subsequent dating and marriage to his campaign staffer Kenneth Gilford after he came out on the eve of the election as being gay.

Observers do not believe that something like that situation would repeat itself here for the simple fact that Mayor Trask is hiring his daughter in an official capacity.

"Look, it's one thing if she were his stepsister or just not even related to him, then yeah, something might happen between the two of them. But she works for him. I mean, there's no way a woman is going to find her boss attractive, right? If anything, the fact that he used to be her stepdad should be a deterrent," a City Hall observer commented on condition of anonymity due to the fact that he works often with the current administration.

Whatever developments arise, it's a foregone conclusion that this election will be unlike anything that New York State has seen in recent times. It will be dirtier and with a husband and wife facing off against each other and a stepdaughter in the middle of the mix, it may very well border on scandalous.

Stay tuned to the New York Daily Journal to stay abreast of every juicy detail!



"You're kidding, right?" Susan Duran asks, hands on her hips.

It's a busy morning. The staff is buzzing and phones are ringing. I can see people taking calls and answering emails just beyond the glass panes of my office windows.

Susan's my Chief of Staff, and it's clear from her body language and the fact that her eyes are shooting daggers at me, that she isn't fucking happy that I've decided to bring Amy onto this campaign.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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