DILF - Page 48

"That's fantastic news!" I say.

"So, you're happy?" she asks. "I know the timing isn't ideal, with the drama of this campaign, and the all out war that Kate is launching against us and everything, but I'm happy. I'm really happy, Parker."

"And I am too," I smile, kissing the top of her head and breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo.

"I love you so much, and now it's time for me to fight," I smile.

For us.

For our future.

For our unborn child.

I know what I need to do.

Something dramatic.

Something big.

I'm calling a press conference.



It's as if I've been injected with the adrenaline of a thousand athletes because now I'm approaching the podium as a new man. I swear I have a spring in my fucking step.

The National Guard is set to take down Amy's business in just 24 hours, and I have a renewed sense of purpose, and confidence.

Not only have I found the woman of my dreams, but we're also about to bring a new life into this world together, and despite the political chaos unfolding all around our feet, I couldn't be fucking happier.

Sounds crazy, right?

I run my fingers through my hair and climb the steps to the podium as a crowd of reporters looks on. Despite the pressure of the situation, I'm feeling calm.

All of these reporters are wondering what I could possibly say at this point. I can see the confusion, and downright animosity simmering in their eyes. They think I'm the villain—the devil incarnate—that Kate Meelios has painted me out to be. She has painted me as the man corrupting their city—their mothers and daughters and sisters and wives. But that's going to stop.

They'll see that's wrong. Enough is enough.

I've allowed the Governor to steal the spotlight for far too long now.

It's time to clear the air and set the record straight.

"Ladies and gentlemen," I say, clearing my throat and speaking into the microphone with a wide and confident smile, "This has certainly been a rollercoaster ride, hasn't it? I'm sure you're all sick of the nauseating ups and downs, just as much as I am."

I can hear a smattering of murmurs, and hushed whispers, but I can't make out exactly what's being said, so I continue on.

"I'm here today to tell you that everything you've heard is true."

Now the sound coming from the crowd is growing louder than a murmur. I can hear people gasping, and confused conversations are circulating between the reporters. I'm sure they're already formulating tomorrow's headlines. They're looking at me as if I'm some sort of monster, and wondering what exactly I'm even doing here today.

"But," I say, holding up one hand to get everyone's attention, and to reign them in before this gets out of control, "it's important that you know the whole story. Yes, it's true. I've been carrying on a relationship with my stepdaughter, Amy."

More gasps erupt from the crowd, and I can see cameras flashing.

Each snap is blinding.

All eyes are on me. But that's fine; I'm used to the spotlight—the intense scrutiny of it all, and now, just as I said, I'm on a mission.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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