DILF - Page 58

“OH. MY. GOD,” I push out from between my lips, these loud words feeling like smooth pebbles over my tongue. My insides clench and, even though my ass has tightened up around Parker’s cock, he just keeps on thrusting as the claws of ecstasy dilacerate my already exhausted body.

I feel beads of sweat dripping down my forehead, plastering locks of hair to my skin, and the saltiness of sweat and tears blends over my lips. By the time the final wave of pleasure recedes, I simply throw myself forward, Parker’s cock sliding out of my ass with a wet pop sound, and collapse on the mattress. I feel the sweat that covers my body soaking into the sheets, but I don’t even move. I just remain like that, stomach flat on the bed, limbs sprawled to the side, and breathing so hard that my lungs might catch fire.

“I’m not done yet,” I whisper, more to myself than to Parker, and then force myself to roll to the side. I sit up on the bed, and slide down to the floor, kneeling there. I throw one smile toward Parker and, without a word between the two of us, he climbs down from the bed and stands in front of me, towering over my exhausted body like a Viking warrior from the old ages.

My right arm moves toward his cock fast, and I start stroking him the moment I have my fingers curled around his shaft. My lips are pursed as I focus on the steady movement of my hand, and I lock eyes with Parker as I feel the first spasms running over his cock and making it twitch against my fingers.

“Do it… I want you cum all over me,” I say with a grin, and I’ve barely finished speaking when the first thick strand of cum jumps out from the tip of his cock and hits me straight across the face. I open my mouth in a wicked grin, more strands following after that one, and a violent shiver goes up my spine as the warmness of his seed starts cascading onto my naked tits.

He keeps on cumming for a long time; each time my hand goes down the length of his shaft another rope of cum darts out from his cock. Gushing a never-ending

stream of cum onto my naked body, he lets out a groan as his cock twitches one last time against my hand. I peel my fingers off from his shaft slowly and bring my hands to my breasts, squeezing them as I move the palm of my hands back and forth over my chest, smearing Parker’s cum all over my skin.

Still in silence, he kneels right in front of me; he cups my face with his hands, and then leans into me, pressing his lips against mine. He runs his tongue along the crevice between my lips, taking his own cum into his mouth, and then he offers me his million-dollar smile.

I smile back at him and wrap my lips around the tip of his tongue, sucking the few drops of cum still lingering there, and then swallow.

“This. Until we’re old,” I whisper, pressing my slippery skin against his.

“Old and wrinkled,” he whispers back at me.

A perfect man. Amazing sex. Love. Happiness.

I have it all.


New York Daily Journal

New York City to Governor Morality: Fuhgeddaboudit (And F*ck You!)

All the politics, scandals, and dirt...just the way you like it!

New Yorkers delivered a strong and stern rebuke yesterday in what was perhaps the most decisive show of public opinion in the history of the state.

Assembling at a spontaneous demonstration in Times Square outside the headquarters of Kinky Amy’s, New Yorkers vented their frustration at a faraway statehouse attempting to legislate what should and should not be allowed in people’s lives.

Prior to the demonstration, the area was quickly becoming a flash point between New York State National Guard soldiers, who were attempting to execute a warrant to close and seize the assets of Kinky Amy’s versus the NYPD who had vowed to stand next to their Mayor and prevent this from happening.

Witnesses who were present at the scene prior to the arrival of the media describe a hair trigger scene in which the Governor was pushing for an escalation that would have surely resulted in the death of innocent people.

However, it appears that New York City’s own bad boy Mayor had a different plan in motion, summoning the press at the last minute to witness the standoff and lay the stakes out on the table.

At heart - a question of whether freedom should be curtailed at home by the people, or by leaders that live far away.

But the Mayor also revealed a deep and dark secret about the Governor that instantly swayed public opinion back in his favor.

So far in fact that the Governor has today announced that she is pulling out of the race for Senator and officially resigning from office at the end of the week.

But even her hasty resignation has not stopped political commentators from weighing in whether the Governor has run afoul of violating ethics laws that prevent personal vendettas from being acted out using state resources.

Judge McGill, the jurist who signed off on the court order to close Kinky Amy’s has released a statement whereby he lists a pattern of intimidation, extortion and abuse by the Governor towards him in order to preserve the knowledge f a secret child that he had fathered 16 yeas ago.

Indeed, many former aides, allies, and enemies have been coming-out of the woodwork in the last 24 hours to the media - recounting a story of a politician who wielded her power and influence to get her way and enrich herself at the expense of the public.

Prosecutors have not ruled out a formal investigation and this morning the FBI and Justice Department both announced separate investigations into the administration of Governor Kate Meelios.

But regardless of what these months long investigations will turn up, it is safe to say that Governor Meelios has effectively ended her career. She went up against the best New York City had to offer - and she lost.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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