DILF - Page 89

Fuck, I even look toward the computer. There’s an urgent email that just came through from Gerard.

But the reptilian part of my brain tells me that Ashley wasn’t wearing any purple lingerie when she left here this morning. She must have changed. Or she’s making this whole thing up.

“Did you just put it on?” I ask into the phone. “Was that what you were wearing before? Be honest with me, Misty.”

There’s a pause on the line and I know she’s debating how far to go into this conversation. Because I’ve just blurred the edges of fantasy and reality now and if she plays along then she’s walking into fucking wonderland with me.

“I changed into this just for you,” she tells me slowly. “I put it on after I showered once I got home.”

“Did you come from somewhere else?” I ask. Fuck, don’t look at me okay. I don’t know why I’m asking this. I know perfectly well where she was.

There’s another pause.

“Yes,” she says on the phone.

“Yes, what?” I ask harshly.

“Yes, sir,” she corrects herself. Good, she’s listening.

“A man?” I ask with another question almost immediately.

“Yes, sir.”

Fuck. My cock is twitching in my pants for some reason. I glance at the computer at the email from Gerard. It reads simply: URGENT. MOZOROV IS PRESSING HARD FOR COMPLETE BUYOUT.

Whatever. I can’t give it the time it needs right now because my next question to Ashley is just, “Did you fuck him?”

She’s either going to hang up, or she’s going to go along with what I’m saying.

I decide to take it further and tell her, “I’m buying you right now, Misty. That means I own you. That means you do whatever I tell you to do. Tell me you understand.”

Another pause. Has she hung up? Has she put me on mute?

“I understand, sir,” comes her response. Her voice is soft. It’s not so sultry. It’s more real.

“Good,” I say, unbuckling my pants and pushing them down. “Now, tell me the truth. Did you fuck him?”

“Yes, sir,” she replies. “Yes, I fucked him.”

“Did you cum?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good,” I say, not sure why I’m getting off to this, but I’m unwilling to fucking stop. “Are you touching yourself now?”

Again, she responds without shame. “Yes, sir.”

“I want you to stop, Misty,” I say to her. I hear a whimper on the other end of the line. It sounds of disappointment. But I’m too far gone. My mind is in a haze of lust and it’s not controlling anything I say or do at this point.

“Look south, towards downtown, Misty,” I tell her.

“I am, sir,” she replies. “My apartment faces downtown.”

“Do you see the spires of the city?” I ask. “Imagine the biggest one is my cock. Imagine my giant cock going inside of you. In and out. Fucking you.”

I hear her moan.

“Can I touch myself, sir?” she asks, a bit breathlessly.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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