DILF - Page 179

State legislators were quick to act, issuing subpoenas to Vivian Hawthorne to testify in front of the State Ethics Committee in one month's time in addition to Governor Carter Andrews. This quick action by the State Legislature underscores the level of disgust at the political elite of Albany and the desire to root it out and start fresh within state politics.

A sample poll conducted by the New York Daily Journal found that Vivian Hawthorne had dropped in popularity and app

roval among New York State voters. Her approval rating after the release of the video, in which she engaged in simultaneous sex with both the Governor and the Mayor, stood at a shaky 25%, with 3 in 4 respondents saying that serious articles of impeachment needed to be considered as a possible option.

The Editorial Board of the New York Daily Journal has long held that the differences in policy between Governor Andrews and Mayor Jeffries were of a nature that closed door negotiations between the two men could have resolved them. But the entrance of the Senator into the fray created a perfect storm where Ms. Hawthorne’s wild and unpredictable nature have brought both men’s careers to the precipice.

It remains to be seen how the corruption charges play out against the Governor as well as the Mayor. Experts are now speculating that the entire proceeding may lead to the repeal of the signature environmental law as well as directives by the State Legislature prohibiting the Boltiador family from setting up factories in New Kingston due to the scandal associated with their original plans. While some would consider this a sad and ironic twist to the entire spectacle, others have commented that it represents that both the environmental law as well as the agreement to secure the investment for the factories were built on shaky foundations that would not have been able to last much longer.

All eyes will thus be on the State Legislature as they conduct their corruption inquiries in one month's time. Should the first day of testimony lead to an understanding that a greater degree of scrutiny and action is needed to be taken, then the entire political establishment of the state will most likely be impacted.

Whatever the outcome, there is one thing that is certain—it is expected that should the Boltiador family be refused the right to invest in New Kingston, they will most likely open their factories in Shanghai.




That’s how many days ago I first got the call from the President asking me to go sort out a feud between a small town mayor and the Governor of New York State before it became a big mess. Well, I did something. I don’t know if ‘sorting it out’ is exactly the right word for it.

I’ve taken to not commenting to the Press. I’m not worried about myself. Well, actually, hun, don’t tell anyone, but I kind of am. I’ve never been so reviled in the political world as I am right now. And it’s not just the Daily Journal. It’s like all the media sense blood, and so they’re piling on. Trying to find any angle at all that will sell more papers—or glue more eyeballs to the television or computer screen and raise more ad revenue.

The heart of this matter is pretty simple. Jobs, or the environment. I don’t know how sex became a part of it. But you take any woman who likes sex in this political climate and you place her between two men like Carter and Liam, and the press is going to salivate.

Sometimes I wonder if we just shouldn’t put up a mattress on the corner of Broadway and 42nd Street and have sex right there. Let the world get it out of its system. Trust me, if I thought that there was a chance it could work to get everyone off of our backs, I’d do it. Because I guarantee you the ethics investigations, the impeachment, all of that would stop. People wouldn’t be whipped into a frenzy anymore. But all it would do would probably be to whet their appetites. They’d want to take close up shots of Liam’s cock going into my pussy. They’d want to see my lips wrap around Carter’s cock. And then they’d paste it all over the Daily Journal and sell more copies.

No, the only way to confront this is going to have to be head on.


That’s how many men I’ve fallen in love with. I know, hun. You’re shaking your head with a smile at me, aren’t you. Thinking that I need to grow up to fully understand what love is. That I’m 29 years old, how can I even think that I’m in love? Just because I’ve gotten orgasms that leave me breathless. Getting shot into orbit and coming back into a sex haze doesn’t mean I’ve fallen in love, I bet you’re thinking. It means I’ve fallen in lust.

Well, the lust is definitely there. Don’t get me wrong. You know that tingling you get between your legs when you think about a big cock stretching you open? Feeling filled up? The dampness that you feel. How you can feel your panties stick to your lips when you read about or imagine wrapping your lips around the tip of a nice, thick, large cock? As someone grabs your nipples and twists them. Smacks your ass? The drippiness you feel and the flush that goes through your body? How all you want to do at that point is find a quiet corner and just touch yourself, even if it’s one finger against the clit. You just want more of that feeling, but you know you’re headed to the precipice and you’re going to explode the more you push yourself? You know that feeling, babe?

Yeah, imagine that times two. Because that’s Liam and Carter.

But what you don’t see, and what you haven’t really gotten, because Alexis probably hasn’t included it, are those times in the month where the three of us have basically moved into Liam’s sprawling house in New Kingston and really lived together.

How Liam makes us breakfast in the morning. He gives Carter extra bacon. He makes sure to get a grapefruit cut for me. Every. Single. Morning.

How Carter explains the remote to me. I swear to God I don’t understand why there are three. Apparently one for the television. One for the Roku. And one for the sound. It sounds like the entire system was thought up by men, you know? Give it to a woman, and you’d have one remote.

The way both of them hide the newspapers from me some mornings. Or my tablet. As if they don’t understand that I’ve been called a lot worse than ‘The Whore of Washington’. That I’ve gone through a lot more and have thicker skin than they realize. So the prospect of a Daily Journal headline that simply has my picture with the world ‘SLUT’ doesn’t faze me. It startles me. It makes me wonder what kind of a world we live in. But I can move on.

The way, after we have sex, the way both men hold me. But how they casually are able to let the other have me. I’ve never realized how insanely hot it is to let one man watch me as another fucks me. And then they take turns sometimes, watching, desiring, celebrating me.

How it’s gotten to the point where I know what each of them is thinking. How Carter is viewing this as a rational debate that he’s going to win on facts when I know that the system is going to want a sacrifice. Liam understands that. He doesn’t understand that I can see in his eyes he’s preparing himself to be that sacrifice so Carter and I can continue. Carter thinks he’s going to convince the legislators with his arguments. Liam thinks he’s going to bulldoze past them. Their both wrong. And if I don’t do anything, they’ll both end up losing their careers.

But I love them. So I’ve been busy myself.


I know I said thirty before, but this is important. That’s the number of days that we’ve had to prepare to testify in front of the Ethics Committee. The impeachment vote in New Kingston is literally the next day. From the beginning, it all seems perfectly staged to me. As if someone has been working very hard behind the scenes to orchestrate up to this moment. I’m sorry if I feel like I’m throwing out conspiracy theories, babe, but it seems like all of this is falling into place just too easily.

I’ve been working with my staff to sort through it, spending more time at Liam’s place than in Washington. It’s started to affect my regular daily schedule. I haven’t voted since the Senate has been in session and I’ve missed multiple committee meetings. I know there have been important meetings that I’ve missed because I’m tied up here. But I need to make sure I see this through.

Carter and Liam begun by working together, but they realized they were expecting different things. Carter is expecting a chance to give his side of the story. That’s not going to happen. But Liam is expecting a political knife fight. I know it’s going to be a third option. I know there is one piece to the puzzle that I’m not getting.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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