DILF - Page 191

By now, Carter and Liam have put their cocks back in their pants and we’re trying to get as cleaned up as possible. There’s a mirror next to us (why didn’t we use that?) and I make sure my hair is okay.

Listen, I know Alexis told you at the beginning to suspend your disbelief so you’re just going with it watching us have sex at this rally, but let me just tell you there is almost nothing like knowing your about to cum with this many people around you.

Or knowing that you’ve been filled up with obscene amounts of another man’s spunk and then talking to people and they have no idea. As the two men stand by, looking innocent.

Okay, there is no way they look innocent of anything. But no one would believe what we did.

That’s my life. That’s our life. A happy life, I’ll be the first to admit. One where we support and help each other. Where we love each other. We take care of each other.

A family unit—unconventional—but nevertheless a beautiful one.

Something worth fighting for. Something that gives me hope.

At long last, Joyce and Ida, my campaign manager and press secretary, walk back stage.

Joyce sniffs the air a bit. I bite my lip. Does it smell like sex?

But if that’s what she thinks, then she keeps it to herself. “They’re ready for you, Senator,” Joyce says.

I nod and follow her to the edge of the curtain. I can hear myself be introduced.

Yes, it’s been a good year. All of our political careers are on the rise. Liam is going to run for Governor next year. Carter is going to run for my Senate seat. And I’m…

Oh wait…they just announced me. I walk out on stage and take the podium.

The cameras flash. But this time to capture history. The people look up with attention, but this time with love.

“Thank you all,” I say into the microphone and pause. Thank God I met Liam. And Carter. “Ladies and gentlemen of Iowa, I am here today to formally announce my candidacy for President of the United States.”

Like I said. It’s been a great year.



Well, howdy there, girlfriend.

That’s fucking right. I’m talking to you.

You. The fucking reader. Okay, look, sorry, you’re not the “fucking reader” okay? I’m actually really happy you read through alright. I hope you liked it.

And yeah, I fucking broke the fourth wall. Don’t worry, Alexis doesn’t know. She thinks I’m out right now at the bar, drinking the beer and watching Carter on TV. You know, where Tina Ling comes in and tries to put her hands in my fucking pants and I shoot her the fuck down?

Anyways, I got kinda bored and I wanted to get to know you. And Vivian’s alright with it, so you know, you don’t gotta worry that I’m cheating on her. As long as it’s with you, it’s completely fucking fine.

And you’re wondering why I said it’s not cheating? Because, you babe, are gonna feel the 12 inch cock inside of you in a few minutes.

Yes, you. No, don’t fucking look around you. I’m talking to you. There isn’t some other reading this right? Most likely this book only sells one copy in it’s whole run and its to you.

Yes you.

What? You’re not fucking rolling your eyes, are you? You’re not wondering to yourself ‘Oh God, this is so silly’ are you? I guarantee it’s not going to be.

What’s my angle? Sorry, I was just staring at your tits and thinking about what it would be like to squeeze them. You just read about me, babe, and now you’re going to have me. I’m Liam fucking Jeffries. And you are fucking mine.

Right, you asked what the angle was. I want you to be around to read about my other fucking friends, okay? They’re bad boys too, and they want to show you what they can do. There’s Arsen, the porn kind, in Client 5. But that’s coming up after this as a bonus book anyways. Then there’s Lance Anders. He’s a 21 year dude that fucks this older woman. You can find him in Scandalous. And finally, there’s Lucien Stone. He’s in prison but he finds his fucking HEA with the sweetest little cute as a button woman who really needs rescuing too. That’s in Jailbait.

Fine. You already read that shit or you got too much other fucking shit going on? Just bear in mind you’re saying no right now but in a few minutes you’re going to be all “yes! yes! oooh yes!” as I totally make you fucking cum.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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