Red & Blue - Page 83

It’s funny, actually—the first time I saw Arsen I put him down as just another creep from the strip club. Sure, he was hot and all that, but I had no idea that he was a Man. Yes, a Man with capital M, one of those guys who you think are long extinct. If this was a Western, he’d either be the bandit or the Marshall—there’d be no secondary role for someone like him. And by God, it’s so damn refreshing! Two months in the strip club and I was already up to the eyeballs with men who spent their whole life adrift, the glistening skin of paid strippers the only joy they take out of life.

Arsen quickly derails my train of thought by going even faster—somehow, he’s still able to do it, his thighs moving so fast that it should be physically impossible. Still with his hands holding me by the ass, he pushes my cheeks apart, moving one hand slightly he reaches for my asshole with one finger and starts to caress it slightly, my brain almost exploding with the sensory overload. His cock ravaging me, his finger on my ass, his chest pressed against my hard nipples… This is too much.

I scream like a banshee, the muscles in my neck straining to accommodate the violence that climbs up my throat. The moment he feels my body tensing up, he presses his finger against my asshole more harshly and slides it in halfway, my ass clenching around it.

Instead of letting me savor my orgasm, he simply keeps thrusting, feeding one more inch of his finger into my ass. My hands turn into claws and I bury them in his back, hard enough to draw blood. He doesn’t even register it: he simply keeps fucking me as if he needed to do it in order to survive.

Scratching his back, my eyelids droop as I feel my eyes rolling in their orbits. The pleasure that rages through me is so intense I still can’t believe I haven’t passed out yet. Do you think I’m exaggerating? Well, if you do, then you’ve never been with a man like Arsen. Seriously, I never believed that such intense pleasure could even exist in this world.

His cock flies in and out of me at furious pace, ravaging me completely as my muscles keep on spasming as if I were having a seizure. Riding pleasure’s peak, I start feeling another wave of ecstasy coming for me; two heartbeats later and it crashes against my mind, scorching all of my nerve endings and making my body go limp. If he wasn’t holding me, I’d just collapse onto the floor like a used rag.

Somehow, even though I can barely feel anything aside from the fires of pleasure, I notice his cock spasming harshly inside my pussy. He’s on the edge as well, and it’s a good thing too; I doubt I could endure one more minute of such delight. Who knew that pleasure could ever be too much?

I sigh deeply as his cock starts to twitch uncontrollably, gushing his warm seed deep inside of me. He stops moving his body as he comes, filling me up to the brim with thick ropes of white cum. He keeps cumming for what seems like an eternity, gushing so much semen that it starts dripping out of my pussy and pooling on the floor at our feet.

Slowly, he lowers me down as his cock finally stops spasming. He pulls it out of me gently, a shiver going up my spine as he does it. I lean back against the wall, tilting my head back and breathing deeply; his hand go down the side of my body and, when I open my eyes, he’s on his knees. Our eyes meet and a s

avage grin burns on his face immediately. Without warning, he leans forward, pressing his mouth against my pussy; reacting by sheer instinct I lay my hands on top of his head as he licks my folds, scooping his own cum.

“Oh, God…” I whisper, his lips sucking my folds dry. He jabs at my insides with his tongue, pushing it past my inner lips and using it to lick his cum. Pulling back, he goes up to his feet, his eyes never leaving mine. He doesn’t say a word, he just leans into me with slightly parted lips, his semen making his mouth glisten.

I close my eyes as he kisses me, pushing my tongue inside his mouth. His salty flavor inundates me at once, and I just have to open my mouth wide. I take all the cum he holds inside his mouth, feeling thick drops of it dripping down my chin. When my mouth’s full, I finally pull back, my heart almost ready to burst.

“Swallow,” he says with a wicked smile, drops of semen still hanging on his lips. I don’t even filter his command; I just do it. I swallow every single drop of cum, feeling its harsh manly flavor burning down my throat. “Good girl,” he tells me, leaning into me for one final kiss.

Arsen Hawke, where the hell did you come from?


The rays of the sun wake me up from probably the most relaxing fucking sleep I’ve ever had in my life. I turn around and see the mass of straight, blonde hair, and an arm wrapped around me. In any given morning, you’d probably expect that this would be a normal occurrence. But you’d be wrong. Because I would never have even let them stay till morning.

But today?

Today, it’s different. Today I actually smile when I feel Ashley’s nails lightly scrape over my chest. I let my mind wander as I feel her thigh nestle itself against my naked groin. My cock starts coming to life as I reach over and feel her tight, perky ass within arms reach. I can feel her pussy pressed against my upper thigh. 50 million nerves are attuned to the feeling of her folds on my skin. I could fucking get lost in her body more than I’ve ever gotten lost in anything in my goddamn life.

But then I hear the beeping coming from the other room. I sigh. It’s the fucking video phone. Most likely it's Gerard. It must have been going on for a while because the beeps, or rings, increase in frequency the longer someone is trying to reach me.

As carefully as I can, I extricate myself from Ashley’s grasp and get out of bed.

I look over at her beautiful fucking body still asleep. She’s so fucking cute. Like a button. Her mouth is slightly open as she breaths in and out and all I want to do is wake her up and eat her pussy again. Then fuck her with my throbbing cock until she passes out like she almost did last night. Then cum all over her and have her suck me dry. God, all I want to do is fuck her so badly. I can tell this is going to lead to problems ahead. Can’t you?

But guess what?

I don’t fucking care. And yes, I had to say ‘fucking’ in there. To emphasize the fuc…the point.

The beeping continues and jars me out of my sexual fantasy and I pad over to the living room. I see who’s calling and see that it is in fact, Gerard. I accept the call and before you ask, yes I’m naked. But that’s fine because I arrange the camera to just capture my upper body; I don’t think Gerard is going to mind seeing me shirtless. But I wouldn't want him to see my giant cock. He’s my friend and I don’t want him to feel any level of insecurity or envy, you know?

“Sorry to call so early, Arsen,” Gerard says once he comes on the screen. I look at the clock. It’s 7:30 am. He’s already dressed in a crisp suit and tie, sitting in his office downtown. The guy must wake up at around 5 to get there from the Upper East Side.

‘It’s not a problem, Gerard,” I say as I leave the field of vision for a moment to turn on the coffee maker in the kitchen. “What can I do for you?”

“Actually, I have some good news, if that’s what you’re calling it,” Gerard says as I come back into view. “Mr. Giannoni has come back from his clients and he’s stating that we might have a tentative offer on a few more of the properties that we’re looking to sell.”

“Which ones?” I ask. This is key.

There’s a pause from Gerard before he answers. “He’s prepared to purchase the whole portfolio, sir.”

The entire thing?

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024