100 Days - Page 95

“How did you…?”

“I’ve been where you are. Penny, isn’t it? And you have that ‘distressed mother’ look, you know?”

I look at her, having no idea what to say, and let my hand fall from my belly. This is Natalie Trask, and I don’t really have nice things to say about anyone with the Trask name. Did Laurel send her? And how did she even find me here?

“Don’t worry, Penny, I have nothing to do with Laurel. She might be my husband’s sister, but that doesn’t mean I get along with her. In fact, you might say we butt heads more often than not,” she says, and I can’t help but trust her. She was involved in a pretty big scandal of her own two years ago, where she got involved with Parker Trask, the mayor at the time. They plunged the city into chaos, but she stood by the man she loved right until the very end.

“I’m sorry, I… I don’t understand,” I finally manage to say, remembering not to let my mouth hang open.

“Well, don’t hate me, but I asked Parker for some help and he pulled a few strings so that I could find you here,” she says, and my mouth hangs open once more. Why would Natalie Trask be looking for me? “Look, I know my sister-in-law, and I’ve been in your shoes before. I can’t simply stand aside and let Laurel have her way. Besides, you remind me of myself, Penny.”

“Me?” I ask her, pointing at myself stupidly. Natalie Trask is one of those women who seems to have been born to rule the world, a take-no-shit-from-anyone attitude etched deep in their DNA, and I can’t help but be surprised by the fact that she’s comparing herself to me. Hell, we’re talking about the woman who founded a sex toy company in her apartment and turned it into a million-dollar operation, and all that while dating the New York City mayor… which, turns out, was her own stepfather. Rings a bell?

It’s kinda weird to think about, in a way. I mean, this is the woman who developed the vibrator bullet I used with Magnus on our little ride through Manhattan.

“You,” she whispers, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand. “You remind me of myself, and I really wish I could help you. But I can’t pull Parker into this without plunging the city into chaos again, and no one wants that. But I can give you some advice.”

“Please do.” I sit up straight in my chair, looking into her eyes as I make sure I listen attentively to whatever she’s going to tell me.

“Have you ever used any of my toys?” she asks me slyly, and I feel warm blood rushing to my face. “I see you did, good,” she continues, my embarrassment the only answer she needs. “Maybe you don’t know it, but my vibrator bullets do more than just vibrate.”

“What do they do?”

“Well, they do something that might help you out. You see, Penny, sometimes the truth is like a rotten tooth… It just lies there, uselessly, and you have to pull it out and bring it into the light, even if sometimes you have to use unsavory methods.” Then, grinning wickedly at me, she pauses for a few seconds for dramatic effect. “My bullet can help with that.”

I look at her and her eyes sparkle.

“It can record conversations,” Natalie says with a smile.

I lean forward in my chair, suddenly feeling as if I’m conspiring with a woman I’ve known forever.

“Tell me what to do.”

The New York Daily Journal

Reap What You Sow

Gossip Central on Page Eight. From the Desk of Vicky Durner - All the gossip you never even knew you needed to know!

Good morning Gotham.

One week.

That's what my spies are telling me is the length of time that the city's #1 Douchebag Magnus Davion has until his Board of Directors holds a session to evaluate whether he's fit to lead his company.

I know it sounds like a big step and our hearts may go out to Magnus, but it's important to realize that we should only feel compassion for someone who deserves it.

We really should not feel any sort of empathy for Mr. Davion—a serial breaker of hearts who has left a trail of women broken and battered in his wake. While there are no claims that he has ever raised a hand against them, I'm sure the emotional turmoil that he has caused women is plenty. We all know that the pen name Vicky Durner is used for the gossip columnist for Page Eight of the New York Daily Journal, but there are other reporters who write these articles. But one thing is for certain. Every single person involved with Gossip Central on Page Eight is unified in their complete and utter disdain for Magnus Davion.

In fact, the whole scandal involving his stepdaughter, once the initial loathing wears off, isn't surprising.

Leave it to Magnus Davion to only look at women as sex objects. Nothing more.

Rather than cherish and celebrate his stepdaughter, what does he do instead?

He treats her like he's treated every single woman in his life.

A vehicle for satisfying his sexual desires.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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