100 Days - Page 107

“All I tried to do was be fair and balanced, mom. That’s what a good reporter should do, no? Look for the truth?” I hear Penny's voice come through loud and clear.

And then I hear Laurel.

“The truth? Penny, you’re still a young woman… I know you hold all these ideals of justice and fairness, but that’s not how the real world works. And I can assure you that’s not how Magnus works either," the clear voice of the Mayor fills the area that the crowd is in.

To say they go fucking wild is an understatement.

There might be a mini fucking riot.

"Have you even read the article you wrote? You were supposed to destroy him, not help him build up his savior image!" comes the unmistakable voice of Rhoda Wright.

"Rhoda, I need to go make sure that the people who are funding our campaign for governor aren't pissed off beyond opening their wallets some more. I suggest you get your daughter in line," comes the voice of Laurel one last time.

Penny turns off the phone.

"i think that's all I need to say on the matter," she says sweetly. “But if you really want a story, I’m about to give you one,” she follows up.

The crowd hushes and looks to her.

What could be bigger than what they just got.

“I’ve been having a whole lot of sex with Magnus - the man who used to be my stepdad,” Penny says and I can’t help but laugh for a second. “And you know what, New York? I’m pregnant. And loving it.”




To say the crowd goes wild is a fucking understatement.

I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life. I could care less about anything at this point.

Magnus Davion has been so many things in his life. Warrior. Financier. Playboy. Success story.

But Father?

Five months ago, I would have been scared out of my mind.

But with Penny in my life?

I can’t believe I’m so lucky.

"And I also think this story is closed, don't you? Any questions?"

People shout out questions that really are best asked to Rhoda and Laurel. Like how long have the two been lovers? How long have they tried to destroy me? Do they realize this is a federal offense that they just committed.

Or they ask questions that will never be fucking answered. Like how many times we’ve consummated. Or what we’re going to name the fucking kid.

But the Daily Journal people are silent.

All the way at the front they're sitting there like wet fucking blankets as the rest of the entire press corps goes crazy.

I’m still in a daze.

Penny turns to me, obviously pleased by her work.

She comes over to me and nuzzles my cheek.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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