100 Days - Page 110

I'll go ahead and write my acceptance speech later for the award I've earned.

I release my man's cock, finally, and look up at him. He narrows his eyes at me but he's smiling so damn widely he can't fool anyone. But Magnus is so not a man to waste any time. He presses the head of his cock onto my pussy slit and slides down, then pushes every inch of that rock hard dick right up my pussy. I'm stretching around him, groaning as he fills me up again. He slams hard into me and I can't breathe. It was easier to breathe with his foot long totally blocking my airway. That's how damn good him fucking me is. He pounds in deeper, harder, faster, by the second and my scratchy cum-coated throat doesn't quite have the volume for the moans and screams that my lips are releasing. I want to giggle at how I'm practically wheezing from cumming too hard but I'm too busy getting fucked, railed and trying to breathe to laugh at the humor of the situation.

"I will never be able to fuck you enough," Magnus says, slamming his cock into me and looking into my eyes deeply. His gaze makes me shiver. "But I'm going to cum soon, and that's probably enough for tonight. Wrap your hands around my neck," he says, and he leans down. I wrap my wobbling legs around him. Magnus stands and bounces me up and down on his cock.

I can barely breathe but I laugh. The laugh makes my pussy flutter and we both moan in response. "God, now," I try to whimper out, but I can't hardly get any words to form coherently because he's fucking me so hard I can't think and because he's fucking me so hard that my words are getting drowned out. "You are just showing off," I gasp out quickly.

"Maybe I am. But we both fucking have you with nowhere to go but back down on my cock," he purrs.

"Remind me to thank gravity in my speech," I say, loving the confused look my statement earns from him because he can't actually read my mind so he doesn't know that I fully believe I deserve an award for my blow job skills this evening. Well, Magnus can't read my mind yet. I mean, the man is capable of pretty incredible things so I don't think I'll be ruling anything out any time soon. He'd probably take it as a challenge, and he's proven to be a man who never backs down from or fails a challenge.

He's right about me having nowhere to go. A fresh sweat shivers down my spine and I need to breathe, but my breathing has gone shallow. I fall down on that cock, and it steals more than my breath. Magnus's cock fills me up and replaces my thoughts, my ability to breathe, and anything that was in my head about not being able to cum again. The tide is rising within me and I know I'm about to come utterly undone around him. He pulls me down and squeezes me tight to him; my pussy returns the action and my inner walls strangle his cock. The orgasm tearing through me is right on time with one shaking me violently. His cock throbs deep within me. The sheer force of his orgasm shooting deep inside of me knocks the wind out of

me. There's such a raw power in Magnus, such strength, and I'm just so damn turned on right now at him cumming in my pussy after all the fucking we've done tonight. I realize I'm death gripping him and I'm digging my nails into him. I start to try and say sorry, but the words are barely coming out because I'm shaking.

"I licked my cum off your pussy, Penny," Magnus says with a hearty laugh that shakes my body and makes my eyes roll back in their orbits. His cock rubs every spot I didn't even know my pussy had, and I'm trembling around him. But Magnus has me close and tight in his arms so I can fall apart around him. "So you digging your nails into my skin is fine. I like making you all crazy with my cock."

It's my turn to laugh. I giggle and press my lips to his chest. "Crazy with your cock?" I laugh. "Yeah, that sounds about right," I say, shivering against him.

Magnus starts to walk, carrying us, I realize, to the bathroom. He turns on the faucet, and never lets go of me as he draws a hot bath. His cock stays buried deep in my pussy and I'm quite content with that, my body fluttering around the massive rod impaling me. I don't want Magnus to ever stop touching me. I want to be wrapped around him for as long as I can be, and then some more. I close my eyes and press my head against his chest again, tucking myself against him happily. He kisses the top of my head and strokes his fingers up and down the small of my back, building little shivers inside me that fizz like carbonated soda, building bubbles of excitement within me that keeps tingling.

I almost don't notice anything has changed until right before he starts to lower us both in the bath. I realize then that we're above very warm water, and that the faucet has stopped pouring because he turned it off. We lie down into the water, and I curl up against him. "I guess this will make it difficult to get clean," I say, not actually wanting to move away from him even to wash off the layers of sweat and cum that have accumulated on my body.

"Who said anything about getting clean?" Magnus laughs. "You and I can stay as filthy as we want, and the warm water feels much better around us is all. Clean is for some other time." Magnus tucks his finger under my chin, lifting my face up for him to kiss me. It's the softest, sweetest kiss that we've ever shared. My whole body comes alive when he kisses me. I'm not just talking about how he turns me on. There's a fierce connection between us, beyond our naughty fantasies or the intense way we fuck. We share a kind of love that I didn't know could exist, and there's going to be another person in our lives that we'll love, together. My heart expands in my chest to the point that the only logical thing to do is to squeeze Magnus harder and kiss his chest where I'm laying. I am so relaxed now that I imagine drifting off into sleep. Magnus will keep me safe. Magnus will keep his arms around me. There's nothing more that I want in the world right now than to be wrapped safely in his arms.

"Well," I say with a sigh. "I would hate for the water to get cold," I say, slowly lifting my head up. I pull my pussy off his cock slowly, a little whimper escaping my lips at the exit. "And you got this cum all over me I should probably wash off," I say, running a finger down my breasts at the shimmering cum he painted me with earlier.

"Let me wash you off," Magnus says. He grabs a washcloth, dipping it in the water and then rubbing soft circles over my skin, erasing the cum.

I feel so relaxed with his touch and with the warmth of the cloth comforting me. The world seems so much simpler in even the little moments with the one you love. I've never loved anyone as much or the way that I love Magnus. I look at his gorgeous body and think even if we're done fucking for the night, I am nowhere close to done touching him.

When he finishes my breasts and stomach, he dips down and gently runs the cloth over my pussy.

Danger zone! I hold my breath and wonder if Magnus is up to something more devious. He isn't though, and I'm so touched by the intimate gesture of him really washing me, even my most private and intimate places. It's one thing for him to fuck my pussy, but his hand over it to wash it feels so...intimate in a way I don't fully understand.

But I don't need to. Life is simpler with the one you love, remember?

So even those simple acts feel like gifts, because they are. They are future memories that you have forever. No one can take a memory from you, but a person can leave. So the one you're with forever, they are something to cherish beyond words because you have the memories and you have that ongoing love.

I take the washcloth from him and start to get it wet, looking at his body. Much as I want to look at his gorgeous face forever and stay in his arms, I know how good it would feel to wash his backā€”or him and me both. "Turn around and I'll wash your back," I say.

He pauses for a second. "I love you," he says quietly, and then turns around.

I start to wash his back and the words that hung in the air before he turned around come to him now. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. You're the only person in my life that has taken care of me," Magnus says.

It makes my heart hurt for him. "We can take care of each other, forever," I say. And I mean forever.

The New York Daily Journal

We Apologize. Seriously, No Joke Here.

Gossip Central on Page Eight. From the Desk of Vicky Durner - All the gossip you never even knew you needed to know!

Good morning Gotham!

Let's hope that it's a better morning than the last couple of weeks.

The last 24 hours have seen the greatest shakeup in the New York political climate than anything. Ever.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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