100 Days - Page 217

Maybe you underestimated me. But I’m still the Mayor of New York City. And it looks like I’ll be winning another term. Easily.

Michael Anders. Remember that name.

And considering how many stories are set in this city, you’re going to be running into me again.

I guarantee it.


It worked. Lance’s plan really worked. I can hardly believe it, but this is real: I’m finally free to be with him, the man I love. I’m free of Michael. No more hiding, no more secrecy. I can live my life the way I want to.

After the conference was over, we didn’t even bother heading back home. It’s Michael’s home after all, and that phase of my life is already over. Lance and I are going to get our own place as soon as we can, but right now a hotel room will work just fine. To be honest, anywhere would work just fine, but I want to savor the moment over a proper mattress—I have a surprise hidden in my purse, after all, and it requires a bed.

We check into the Plaza, barely able to keep our hands off of each other. We rush through the check-in, and almost tumble inside the room the moment we get through the door.

My hands on his chest, I push him back until his knees meet the edge of the bed. I force him to lie down, and then I climb on top of him, moving like a cat. Barely capable of thinking straight, I can’t tell if because of how happy I am… or how wet—I lean in, pressing my lips against his and kissing him softly.

“You’re mine now, Lance,” I purr into him, running my fingers over his chest, his tight shirt delineating the contour of his muscles. One hand on my face, he smiles, allowing his fingers to roam over to my neck and then tangles them in my hair. He yanks, forcing my head back.

“You’re mine too… Forever,” he says, craning his neck and placing his mouth on my cleavage, his lips softly brushing against the soft skin there.

“Is my little boy turning into a man?” I tease him, locking eyes with him.

“He is. You made me into one.” With that, he pushes the straps of my dress down my shoulders, baring my black lace bra. Hooking his fingers on one cup, he tugs it down, my hard nipple jumping into sight. Before I can prepare for it, he presses his mouth there, his lips wrapped tight around my hard rosy tip.

“Mm,” I purr, a tickling sensation of delight under my skin. “I have a surprise for you…” I whisper, grinning wickedly. Oh, he has no idea what I have in store for him.

“I like surprises,” he says, his fingers squeezing my half-naked breast.

“Then close your eyes.” He does so dutifully, that delicious smile of his almost making my heart melt. I climb down from the bed and reach for my purse; I open it and take something from the inside: something metallic and shiny. Yes, if you were thinking “handcuffs,” you guessed right. They clink against one another, the low sound making him raise his eyebrows, but he remains faithful to what I told him and doesn’t open his eyes.

I go back to him, sitting on his lap and straddling him.

“Put your arms up,” I tell him, and he does it dutifully. Before he has the time to react, I hold my breath and move as fast as I can, closing the metallic brace around his wrist and locking the other end on the bedpost. He opens his eyes almost immediately.

“What is this?” he asks me, trying to push against the locked handcuffs. “You’re a wicked one, aren’t you?”

“You can’t imagine how wicked.” I place the other handcuff on him, locking it on the bed. I finally look down at him, taking in the scene; here he is, unable to move and escape… Mine to do as I please.

“You have no idea what I’m going to do to you once I’m ou

t of these handcuffs,” he tells me, my pussy growing wet at his words. It almost makes me want to let him go right away, but I hold strong.

“Oh, is that so? And who says I’m ever letting you get out? I might just keep you here forever, mine to use and abuse…” I continue, placing my fingers on the collar of his shirt as I slowly start to unbutton his shirt, revealing his hard pectorals.

“Doesn’t sound that bad to me,” he shoots back. I can already feel his cock growing hard under me, straining against his pants. Feeling his hardness, I start a slight sway, moving my hips as I rub my crotch against his.

His shirt finally open, I lean in, my lips pressed against his neck. I start kissing him in a downward line, my mouth travelling down to his chest. I part my lips and let my tongue out, lapping at his nipples while I let my hands wander over to his belt; I unbuckle it, unzipping his fly immediately after, and continue kissing him down his chest. My tongue runs over his abs dutifully, their hard contour enough to make me go mad.

When I get close to the hem of his boxer briefs, I lay gentle kisses around it, my eyes darting to the thick shape tenting his underwear.

“Is this for me?” I ask him, running the tip of my index finger over his member.

“Just for you,” he tells me, grinning. The moment his words hit me, I curl my fingers around his cock, gripping it harshly.

“It better be,” I tease him. “Because I’m insatiable… And I don’t like to share.”

In response, his cock pulses firmly against the palm of my hand. I start to stroke him over the fabric of his boxers, my eyes locked on his.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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