100 Days - Page 324

I let out a long fucking sigh and my body literally quivers in disappointment, but I know she's right.

I nod to her, and pull up my boxer briefs and pants as I walk to my desk.

I clean my cock with a towel nearby as I push the speakerphone button on my phone.

“On my way, Cheryl,” I tell her and hang up as I zip up my trousers.

Brittney turns and smiles to me as she walks over to where she threw her bra.

“You’re going to be okay?” I ask her.

She nods and smiles. “I’m just going to clean up a little bit,” she says with a smile. “Get less sticky before I go out into the world, you know?”

She laughs a small laugh and I smile before I walk to the door.

Five minutes later I’m sitting next to Cheryl in the conference room still thinking of Brittney.


That’s five minutes longer that I’ve ever thought of a girl after sex.

There’s something going on with her here.


"Brittney, can you hear me?"

I hear Walter's voice coming in through my tiny earpiece, which is hidden underneath my long hair. The sound is low, but the quality is good.

"Loud and clear," I say.

"Are you at Ethan’s computer?"

"Yes, but now what? I don't have the password for this machine, you know. It's locked."

"Okay, I'm going to walk you through this," Walter says. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. I don't hear anyone coming, so it's now or never," I say, looking tensely over my shoulder.

"The first thing you need to do is shut the computer down."

"What? Why? Doesn't that seem counterproductive to be turning this thing off?"

"Just trust me, okay?" Walter says. "I know what I'm talking about."

"Okay, it's off."

"Good, now reboot it in Safe Mode," Walter instructs. "You need to do this so that you can effectively login as an administrator to the machine."

"You're speaking another language … but sure," I say. "Okay, done. Now what?"

"Now, you'll need to reset the password."

"The password for which account?"

"For the account that's locked," Walter says. "If we're going to gain access to the Illicit Escape software and plans, we'll need to change the administrator password so that we can unlock it all."

"Since when did you get so high-tech on me Walter?" I joke.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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