100 Days - Page 438

So do you know how hard it is to try and find clothes that look cute but are also functional enough to run around in? Like, you can’t wear heels because you’re on the grass and it’s dodgeball. But you can’t wear sneakers either because they make me look like I’m gonna be exercising and yes, Dodgeball is exercise, but I’m also there to get picked up on. Hello? LOL Just kidding.

So, we get there.

Oh wait, the winner of yesterday’s pop quiz is Carla Tucker! Carla, just send a message back to me for your $25 Amazon gift card, babe!!! I also sent you an email I’ll pretty sure!!

Oh where was I?

OMG! I need to get to writing! I’m gonna email you guys with all the deets of midnight dodgeball later on today. I have a few books to go through also. Kinda left you on a cliffhanger didn’t I? LOL.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Dodgeball #2

Oh I forgot to tell you about dodgeball. Well, I’m all done with my workday now and about to head out to dinner with some friends but I wanted to drop this email to you guys. Just FYI – I’m gonna be doing a lot more giveaways and stuff that’s exclusive to the NL and not just focused on Facebook because I get that a lot of you aren’t on the Book of Face (get it? Facebook haha).

Anyways, so I was at Midnight Dodgeball. So it’s basically playing dodgeball for 20-somethings and 30-somethings who are single as a way to meet people. Did I mention they also have an open bar that’s included for the price of admission? Big mistake this open bar.

Anyways, so we’re there and it’s 11:45 pm and I’m wearing like short shorts and a tank top trying to look cute but the power of wanting a cosmo was too much and I have two. Then I see a friend of mine on the other side who is having a cigarette. I don’t smoke, but when I’ve been drinking I wanna usually get like a drag or three because it makes my head feel like whooo. So I’m walking across the grass with my cosmo when out of nowhere comes this BIG RED RUBBER BALL!

It hits me on the side of the head!

I fall to the ground. Spill my cosmo for sure.

And when I open my eyes a second later, I hear someone say “oh shit” and run over to me.

And the first thing I see is the most beautiful blonde haired face of a man in my life.

He reaches over and helps me up….

Sigh. His name is Dodgeball. And tomorrow I’ll tell you allllllll about him. But tonight I’m gonna go bask in thoughts of him and think about him before I share him with the world lol :p

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Dodgeball #3

I can't believe I've been talking about one guy for the last two days...OMG

But the thing is the more I draw it out the more I can still relive it, ya know? Like an ice cream cone you don’t want to end so you only lick with the tip of your tongue. I mean, I can think of something else you only lick with the tip of your tongue too….lol

Anyways, that’s so not what I was thinking two nights ago at Midnight Dodgeball as I lay on the ground, sprawled out, my drink spilled.

But like I said, I opened my eyes and the most lovely looking man was looking down on me.

“I’m sorry I hit you with my balls,” he said to me (or something like that)

“You hit me on the side of your head with your balls,” I replied (At least I hope so. I mean, I was pretty drunk, and I was kinda lusting over this guy, and you know, on the ground because I just got hit with some balls. I might have just been saying “You himme hard balls mah no hurt” or some gibberish lol)

“It’s like my balls were attracted to you, I wasn’t even trying to hit you,” he replied.

“I have a way with balls,” I said back (At this point I’m just guessing what I said now btw)

“You look like you like balls when you’re not getting hit in the head with them though,”

“When you’re not playing with my balls though, maybe you wanna grab another beer?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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