100 Days - Page 465

Instead, go after WineBar

Fuck WineBar!

Tell me what I should do. I’ve come to rely on you guys for your suggestions A LOT!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


My Pledge

36% of you said go call WineBar!

Dude. The Team WineBar is strong in this group. But here are the total results:

NO!! As in don't call Jogger if you're not feeling him was 41.4%

Girl, cum as fast as you can and call him NOW! Was at 15.9%

Instead, go after WineBar was at 36.1%

Fuck WineBar! was at 6.6%

Out of 20,000 people, about 10,000 voted. That means around 606 people really do not like WineBar.

But few things I am doing.

I am stopping myself from calling Jogger.

I am going to return WineBar's call that he made earlier this morning. I'll wait till the early evening as I'm going out to call him, because a girl's busy, ya know?

I am going to use like one of the many sex toys I have to bring myself to a earth shaking orgasm. Sure, dick is good, but BOB will keep me from missing him so I don't make any rash decisions and jump into bed with the first guy that comes calling.

Tonight I'm going to this Portugese place with the girlfriends for dinner and drinks and we're going dancing afterwards. Just the girls.

But what I wanted to talk to you about more was this. Yesterday I got a few emails from people. They were like OMG thank you for writing such and such book and I was like yay! Then they were like I also like the books at the end and I was like aww. But one person was like you know, I have a limited budget and sometimes I can't buy all the books I want so thank you for including yours in the back and it got me to thinking.

I'm not writing books to make lots of money. I used to work on Wall Street and I still have a day job sorta so this is more because I'm passionate about doing it.

One of the things that motivates me so much is making people happy or when someone tells me how much my story moved them.

So I am going to take a few pledges now. Here and today. They are:

1. I promise never to price my books higher than 99c and I will fight any price increase tooth and nail. I want all readers to be able to afford my books and I promise that if you can find a dollar you can find something on my catalog. No one should ever be deprived of a good story because it will break their budget. That's not the business I'm in.

2. I promise to always make the reading an experience for you. It's not just about the one story. I will always seek to increase your customer satisfaction, or I like to call it your reading pleasure. I will do this by putting in a mixture of never before seen content as a thank you after the book, as well as old favorites. If you don't wanna read it because you still remember the story? That's fine, you don't have to. But if I can provide value to just one person who is able to forget their troubles for just one day and spend a day with Alexis Angel, then it will be worth it.

This is my pledge to you as an author as long as I publish in Kindle Unlimited.

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,


Happy Daddy Day! LOL

Yeah, because it's Father's Day!

Lol! Like I have a father I'm going to see. I don't have a Daddy like in books where a girl has a daddy because I think he wouldn't be able to handle me.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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