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Offense & Defense

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“You’re safe now,” he whispers with a nod, and I realize he’s about to bolt on me. I don’t even think, I just react: I reach for his arm and grab him, turning my hand into a claw and digging my fingers into his rock-hard bicep.

“Wait, uh,” I stammer, trying to think of something that won’t make me look like a desperate fool. Something that makes him get inside the apartment. Yup, I’m doing this. I don’t know why, and I don’t know how… All I know is that I’m doing it. My body demands it. “Could you… uhh… Check the apartment, maybe? I’m still a bit frightened. I’d feel safer if you checked it out, please.”

His body responds to the word safer, straightening up as if he’s standing at parade attention, and he just looks at me and nods. He takes one slow but sure step inside my apartment, slowly turning his neck as he scans my living room, and then he starts ambling down the hallway cautiously.

You’re crazy, girl, that rational side of me tells me, and it continues to speak before I can shut it up. You barely know him and, besides, your bedroom is a mess. You left your dirty underwear on the bed, remember?

But I don’t listen to brain. Instead I look at this ex-SEAL’s ass. Brain can think whatever it wants.

I stand in the middle of the living room as he checks room after room, taking much longer than I expected. He really took it to heart when I said I needed him to check my apartment so that I could feel safer.

Hot and protective, what are you waiting for, babe? I hear that devious whisper inside my mind and, reacting unconsciously, I take both my hands to my shoulders and peel off the straps of my dress, the fabric drooping over my breasts and revealing the outer edge of my bra. Swaying my hips from side to side, I hook my thumbs on the dress and push it down, bunching it around my waist; one harsher tug and the fabric slides down my legs easily, pooling around my feet.

Well, I guess that’s a clear cut victory for my wild side.

Standing only in high heels and lingerie, I wait for him to come out of my bedroom, my heart feeling like a hand grenade inside my chest. I’m excited, anxious, afraid, and God knows what else - there’s a cocktail of emotions raging inside of me, and it’s making me wetter than I’ve ever been in my entire life.

“What are you doing?” He asks me as he steps out from the bedroom, his eyes widening as they land on my half-naked body. I notice a hard (and very, very long) shape tenting up his jeans, and I become so wet that I feel my fluids starting to drip down my inner thighs.

“Preparing your reward,” I whisper, taking one sure step toward him. He takes one step back, hitting the wall, and I keep moving toward him defiantly.

“I don’t think --” he starts, but I hush him by placing my index finger over his lips.

“That’s right, don’t think. Just come and take your reward,” I whisper, one mischievous grin dancing on my lips.

I have no idea what I’m doing but, hell, it feels good.



Standing in front of Sanders with just my bra and thong, I don't care how it sounds, I know I look damn good. I work out enough, I should look this good.

The look in Sanders's eyes? That confirms everything I thought and then some. He's no doubt a powerful man who could have his way with me. I've dangled the prospect of a reward in front of him, and he looks very enthused to take it.

Still, I see a war in his eyes. It can't be about me. Those sensual eyes are combing over every exposed inch of my skin and they like what they see. No, this is something else.

"I really do want to thank you," I say, my voice so light I wonder if he can even hear me.

He cocks his head. Sanders heard me.

"I really do want you," I say, my voice a little louder now.

"I want you, too," Sanders says. The conflict in his eyes travels to his voice, but he closes the distance between us.

Capturing my wrists behind my back, he uses one hand to still me. Slowly, sensually, he drops down to his knees as he releases my hands.

I grip his shoulders with my palms and step out of my shoes.

This, of course, in his world is the opportunity for him to sweep me up over his shoulder and carry me toward the bedroom. It doesn't matter that I have only just invited him up and he doesn't know the place. He has no trouble figuring out where my bed is since you know, he just checked every room and all. Sitting me down on it, his eyes capture mine.

Where there was conflict, there is now only lust...and need. There's something behind his eyes that I don't quite understand. But there's a gentle, yet insistent way that his hands entangle my hair and clasp to the back of my head when he pulls me in for a kiss.

I watch his eyes close for a moment. I sigh a little in wonder of what is going on in his mind. Plenty of guys would have jumped me right away, as much of an opening as I gave him. This is a clear cut invitation to fuck me. And he doesn't seem to have other plans. But I wish I knew what was on Sanders's mine, nonetheless.

Closing my eyes, I feel his lips close over mine.

His lips press together and kiss mine, and this is not a gentle kiss. It is passionate, needy, and I’m overwhelmed with how much need Sanders can bring to what could have been a simple peck. The need in him is stoking the fires of need within me.

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