Offense & Defense - Page 173

But no Chase?

I stop, looking around me wildly. I can’t find him anywhere, I can’t...

I start bawling, tears streaming down my face, inconsolable in the semi-darkness. Just me and the MSG arena. I can’t see, I can’t breathe. I can only cry.

I’m too late.



I’m running a curry brush over Moonshine’s sleek flanks, talking quietly to him.

“Hey boy,” I say. “It’s time to head back home. Are you ready?” His ears flicker at my words, and I wonder again how much he understands. Does he know the word ‘home’?

I continue brushing him, watching the flickering coat under the brush in the pale light that the security guard let me keep on. Usually, they would’ve kicked me out already, but I told the guard I needed a little more time to clean up, and after being won over by Moonshine’s personality, even feeding him a small container of oats, the guard agreed to give me as much time as I needed.

Truthfully, I’m just stalling. I don’t want to leave. Jason has flown back to Oklahoma, his wife having heard about his latest escapades, and is rightfully pissed the fuck off. I wouldn’t be surprised if she divorces him. Jason can be a real good guy, but he can also be a jackass. I don’t envy his wife one bit. I would’ve had him castrated long ago if I were her.

“I’d never castrate you, Moonshine,” I say, patting his flank. He nudges me, looking for more oats. Apparently, he has more important things to worry about than the production and usability of his dick.

I wish I felt the same way.

I’d never missed anyone the way I’ve missed Carla. The last two weeks have been hell on earth. I—

I push Moonshine away and walk toward a sound. What is that? I can’t place it, but among the pop and buzz of fluorescent lights shutting themselves down for the night, and Moonshine’s soft nickering, begging me to come back and brush him some more, I can hear something…weird.

I walk faster, my heart pounding in my chest. Is it…? Could it…?

I burst out into the hallway and take off running down the corridor, the safety lights giving me a dim path to follow. That sound…it’s a girl crying. It’s...

I make it out into the main arena, and there’s Carla, bent in half, sobbing hysterically. It tears at my heart to see her like this, but more than that, I want to pull her to me. I want to touch her. I want to be with her.

She looks up, hearing my pounding boots, and her face drops in surprise. “Chase!” she squeals and just like those cheesy movies where they run toward each other in slow motion, Carla and I sprint toward each other. No slow-mo for me, dammit.

I snag her and twirl her around and around, kissing her repeatedly all over her face and neck, hugging her to me. “Why are you still here?” I ask, setting her down and pulling her against me. I’m running my hands up and down her back, wanting to pull her into me, to become one with her. I never want to lose her again.

“I came to tell you Iwolfdue,” she says, muffled by my shirt.

I decide to let the girl breathe a little, and loosen my arms around her.


“I came to tell you I love you,” she says, staring up at me, her eyes shining with tears. “I don’t want to live without you, and if I have to move to Texas and learn how to cook and put on an apron, I will. There’s takeout in Texas, right? You guys have figured out phones and the Internet and shit?”

I start laughing. I can’t help myself.

“Yeah, we’ve figured out phones and the Internet and shit,” I agree drily. “But Carla, you don’t want to be a housewife anymore than I want to be a CEO and wear a suit to work every day. Back in Texas, the land of cows and Internet, I have quite a few oil wells. Quite a few. I also own tens of thousands of acres of land on my ranch. I love it there, but I love it here too. When I first came, I hated all of the people on the street, everyone in my way, but there’s a certain vibe to this city that's addicting. I don’t want to leave it.”

I draw a deep breath. “I don’t want to lose you. Baby, I’m richer than God. I don’t have to work another day in my life, but I like to work. I can’t just sit around and count my stacks of cash. That gets boring after a while.”

She laughs so hard, she hiccups. I’ve never seen something that adorable in my life.

“They’re looking for a rodeo act at the Barclay Arena in Brooklyn. I know they’re the competitors for Madison, and maybe you’re not going to love being with someone who has gone to the dark side. But you’ve never seen me really in action. What you’ve seen here is Chase Lite. I can stand on the back of Moonshine while he gallops around. Did you know that?”

She shook her head, burrowing her face against my chest. I stroke my hands down her back, loving the feel of her against me. “We actually can do quite a few tricks together. Roping calves is just something I’m good at; I happen to be pretty damn good at throwing a lasso, in case you didn’t notice.” She chuckles, the vibrations moving through my arms. I smile to myself. I want a thousand more times of making her laugh.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024