Offense & Defense - Page 191

Let’s see how much you trust me.

I look from my phone to the vibrator on my bed stand, and then back to my phone.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, I think to myself as I pick the bullet up and, breathing deeply, hike my skirt up to my waist. I push my thong to the side and, pursing my lips, I manage to slide it inside of my pussy.

After straightening my skirt again I take a few steps around the room, trying to get a feel for how it’s like to walk around with something like that jammed inside of me; to my surprise, it’s not uncomfortable at all. Still, I can’t believe that I’m allowing Connor to drag me into this.

I must be out of my mind.



I swear to fucking God it looks like Natalie is shaking as she walks into the conference room.

I know I'm laughing inside, love. Trust me, it's really hard to keep a straight fucking face knowing what I know and what must be going through that girl's head right now.

I'm sitting there in the conference room of the Gage Price headquarters in Midtown and let me tell you, if I didn't have this little remote control fo

r the bullet to give me something to look forward to, I'd probably be tearing my hair out by now.

But the thought of future fun is enough to get me to focus on the fucking present, and say and do the things that these suits would expect from the royal representative from St. Albans.

I've sat through three hours of presentations already with someone from the Royal Press Officer and if it hadn't been for the fact that Natalie's meeting is at the end to wrap up the day, then I would have probably fallen asleep by now.

Not that this shit is boring. I mean, I absolutely understand the fact that the Royal Family needs to be represented properly at the United Nations. I also understand that back home the anti-Royalists would love nothing more than to use me as their scapegoat and poster child for everything that's wrong with the monarchy. So if sitting through three fucking hours of boring meetings lets me help Silas and my family fight back the Constitutionalists, then I can at least do that.

Besides, watching her gorgeous eyes look at me is exhilarating. Watching her gulp in nervous anticipation just gets my cock twitchy.

Nadia Scow, from the Royal Press Office turns to me.

"This is Natalie Thomson, Your Highness," she says to me in full view and hearing of Natalie. "Natalie manages the account for us and is here to deliver a final status update."

So, let me just start and say that I find Nadia the press officer to be a bit of an overzealous snob. She's got the bitchiness down fucking pat. And if she's not looking down at me, she's looking down at every woman that I decide to talk to.

I can tell that she's not going to like Natalie.

Not when Natalie's got that curvy as fuck body that she's using to walk over to the lectern. Not when Natalie's got that gorgeous fucking smile that she uses to greet her manager, George Brown, who is sitting across from us.

No, Nadia is not going to like Natalie. That's for damn sure.

"I've met Natalie Thomson before," I say, my eyes flashing. Natalie's wearing a tight black skirt and a blue silk blouse that's tight. I can see that she's dressed to impress. She's got stockings and black heels. A Tiffany's pendant glints off her neck.

She looks so fucking wholesome.

So innocent.

I can't wait until I have her begging on her knees to fuck her. Until my fucking 12-inch rod is piercing her and taking her to heights of pleasure that will ruin her forever to other fucking men.

Because, love, that's just what I do.

But I only want to do it to Natalie now. I know it sounds stupid, but that's why I gave her the fucking bullet.

Sure, it was a stupid game.

But I wanted to see if she would do it.

See love, she has to trust me that I'll use it judiciously.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024