Offense & Defense - Page 211

“You drive me fucking crazy, Natalie,” he whispers, running his tongue down my chin and onto my neck, licking me dry. Smiling, I grab his hair and yank on it, forcing his head back. He looks straight into my eyes, smiling back at me.

“I love you, Connor D’Avington,” I tell him, my heart bursting with happiness.

“I love you, Natalie…” he says and then, after pausing, his lips widen into a coy smile. “How does Natalie D’Avington sound?”


Epilogue As Told By Natalie

“OH MY GOD!” Alicia and Christine cry out at the same time as they run up to meet me. I greet them with a wide smile, and they hug me so tightly that I almost stop breathing. “This place is amazing!” Christine squeals happily, looking around with wide eyes, her face shining with wonder.

“I know, right?” I tell them, hugging them back. I came to St. Albans two weeks ago and I haven’t seen them since. Of course, we FaceTime almost every single day, and they always bury me in questions about what the D’Avingtons are like, and what it’s like to live in St. Albans. So, it was only a matter of time until I invited them to visit me here at the palace. Two minut

es after I invited them over, they had already bought their tickets. Two days later they were touching down on the St. Albans Airport; Connor sent a chauffeur to pick them up, and now here they are, marveling at the palace.

That’s right, the palace. Connor and I left New York a few weeks after the final confrontation with Nadia, the anti-royalist mole inside of the Royal Family. We revealed our relationship to the world and, lo and behold, Connor stopped being a pariah. Sure, a few fringe publications still doubt how much he has really changed, but almost everyone knows what I know: Connor D’Avington is a changed man.

“Miracle of love saves St. Albans monarchy,” the NY Daily Journal said on its cover with bold letters over a photo of Connor and I walking hand in hand. Connalie, that’s how the media and fans have been calling our relationship. I never thought I’d have a title rivaling the old Brangelina thing, but that’s what happened. And, as the News of Time Times so succinctly said, “Connalie carried the day against Constitutionalist conspiracy.”

Our relationship was a serious blow to the Constitutionalists, that and the fact that their mole got exposed. Public opinion turned against them and ripped them to shreds before you could even say “Long Live the King.”

And now here I am, sharing a room with Connor in the Royal Palace, right in the beating heart of St. Albans, one of the most beautiful islands in the world. I’ll have to say, I was a nervous wreck coming here. I mean, it’s not every day that you get to meet a King. But King Silas, Connor’s older brother, was nothing but welcoming to me. “My brother is a better man because of you, Natalie,” he told me, and my ego almost blew up at his words.

“Girl, you’re so lucky,” Christine squeals again, looking around the reception hall and walking toward one of the balconies. She steps outside and both Alicia and I follow after her. The balcony overlooks St. Albans' capital city, the streets sprawling underneath us as the lush green vegetation of the island meshes with the tall spires of the buildings. The sun is setting now, its warm light embracing us as we look at the city in silence, taking in everything that happened these last few months.

“I guess so,” I tell her, smiling. I still haven’t managed to stop smiling since Connor and I decided to be together. And I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing it.

“Guess? Now that’s some modesty right there,” Alicia teases me, bumping me with her elbow. “I mean, look at you! Soon enough I’ll have to start calling you Princess, uh? Princess Natalie D’Avington… That has a ring to it,” she continues, laughing merrily.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” I start telling them, but I don’t really believe what I’m saying. I just don’t want to jinx myself, you know? But I know that Connor has been playing with the idea; I can see it in the way he looks at me late at night, both of us exhausted after ravishing each other. Still, I don’t want to think about it now. Let it happen when it happens, you know? What matters is that we’re together.

“So,” Alicia turns her attention toward Christine, “you better keep up, girl. When are you going to get yourself a man?” She teases her, but I know there’s no malice to her words.

Life has really taken us by surprise these last few months. We were just young silly girls out of college not so long ago, and now look at us… Alicia is the youngest Vice-President in a financial behemoth, and I’m living in a palace. As I look at Christine, something tells me that the she won’t break the trend; there’s something very special in store for her.

“Oh, I’m just focusing on work right now, you know?” Christine starts, faithful to her old “work hard play hard” mantra. “I’m waiting for the right guy to come along.”

“He will,” Alicia and I say at the same moment, and we all share a laugh, the sound of our voices carried by the window and into the city below.

It’s funny how life works, isn’t it? One moment you’re living in a tiny bedroom apartment in the Upper East Side, the next you’re being whisked away by a European prince and living in a palace. Christine’s right; I’m a lucky girl. No, let me say that again: I’m the luckiest girl on Earth. And it’s not because Connor’s a prince, or because he’s rich or anything… It has nothing to do with it. I’d love him all the same even if he was broke.

You see, while the whole world saw in Connor nothing more than a spoiled rich asshole, I saw past that. Under all his cursing, tattoos, and devil-may-care attitude, there’s a man capable of… love. And, though his love isn’t cheap or comes easy, it’s worth the effort. The moment those words came out of his mouth (I love you, Natalie), I knew he’d love me forever and that he’d do right by me.

And that’s all a girl can ask for.


Man Chaser: A Secret Baby Dark Romance

She says she’s a Man Chaser. Well…they call me a Woman Tamer. Let’s see who wins, shall we?

Don’t worry. You read that line above just right. I tame women. Show them who’s boss. One night with Ethan Kane and these 8-pack abs, chiseled body and 12-inches of lust muscle hanging between my legs and they’ll do anything I damn well tell them to. So when Brittney tries to infiltrate my company to steal from me...when I see her trying to seduce me with her gorgeous curvy body and beautiful face...I know what I’m up against. And I’m not worried. At all. She thinks she can just shake that body and get me to roll over for her like a dog. She doesn’t realize that it’s going to be her that ends up on her knees as I tell her to beg. And when that happens, there’s only one question left to ask myself ... How badly does she need to be taught a lesson?

*** Come chase men with this exciting new standalone romance! No cliffhangers or cheating, but it’s a scorcher with super-steamy scenes that you’ve come to expect from Alexis Angel. Happily Ever After? Always, babe ***



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