Protein Shake - Page 15

“Well, boys, it’s been fun. But I need to take a shower and head home,” she says.

She gives us a quick wave and turns to head for the locker room.

Chase and I watch her shapely ass walk away through those thin, almost sheer leggings, and we laugh as we see where she’s walking to.

Again, the blind confidence of this woman is remarkable and absolutely noteworthy. I’m ready to take this chick on.

“Should we warn her?” Chase asks.

“She’ll figure it out soon enough,” I laugh.

We stand there for a moment more, just watching her walk away. Right out of the main area of the gym…

And right into the men’s locker room.

Chapter 6


As I shed my sticky and sweaty workout garb, a huge knot forms in the pit of my stomach. I’m not used to this. I look in the mirror some days and still see my body trying to carry another two hundred pounds.

So when I pull off clothes that have a size label in the single digits or an S, I’m sometimes surprised. I have to remind myself that the overweight me is in the past.

Once all of my clothing is removed, I take a long look into the mirror. The girl I remember, the one I still picture when I think of myself, isn’t the same girl that’s reflected back at me.

I wonder briefly how long it’ll be before I can get comfortable with the idea that this is me now.

I peek across the countertop.


Why such a high-end gym wouldn’t have hair dryers as a courtesy is beyond me. I mean, they have a private chef. Why not a hair dryer or two?

I chalk it up to the fact that men probably designed the place. I guess I’ll have to remember to bring one next time I’m here.

After the sweat Chase and Eric had me work up, a shower here is non-negotiable.

I grab a towel and my vanilla-coconut body wash and walk off into the big, open shower area. I hang my towel and get under a faucet. After I fiddle with the knobs for a moment, I find a comfortable temperature and take a deep breath, relaxing under the falling water.

As I bring my arms up to rinse out my hair, I realize my muscles are already so fucking sore, I can barely move them. It’s incredible how much work we put in today. As I lather up, my arms ache and sting.

Ugh. No pain, no gain, right?

Chase and Eric must have gone through a lot of pain, because, holy shit, their bodies are really perfect. They have so much muscle definition that they make other men look low resolution by comparison. They have muscles in places I couldn’t have imagined was possible.

They know it too. They’re so fucking cocky. That’s what really gets me.

They know what they can get away with saying based on how fit they are. They know what people will give them just because of their looks. It’s so perpetuated—especially when it comes to women, I bet.

They’re probably surprised that I didn’t fall to my feet, begging for the privilege of blowing them the second they so much as looked at me.

I don’t even know how the two of them have me so locked on the idea of them, but they do. I love how confident they are. Men that are so certain, especially when they’re actually right all the time, are insanely sexy to me.

And they’re knowledgeable, too. They know all kinds of shit about physical activity and nutrition. Muscle groups and metabolism and physical form—the whole nine yards.

I really feel like I could learn more from them—if they don’t piss me off or wise up to the fact that I’m not going to fall over myself for the chance to blow them first.

I can’t quite put my finger on which of them I enjoy more so far. Eric is on my level of wit and comebacks. But Chase is so empathetic and patient while still being so firm. They could both put me in my place—if I let them—and that alone is fucking rare to find.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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