Protein Shake - Page 17

But Eric and Chase, shirtless and basking in the hot steamy air.

They’re looming directly in front of my naked, wet body. I’m a former model, so I’m not exactly short—but they’re fucking tall. Intimidatingly so.

I panic and throw my arm up over my tits. I cover my pussy with the palm of my other hand. I curl up into myself a bit and can feel myself start to back away, even though I want nothing more than to launch myself into them and let them fight over who gets to fuck my slutty little cunt first.

As if they’re reading my mind, each of them reaches out a hand to capture my wrists. They pull my arms away from my body with a masculine forcefulness.

It’s an act that says, No. We’re going to look at you, and you’re going to like it.

If I wasn’t wet before, I sure as fuck am now.

I look them both up and down and see their throbbing cocks standing at attention.

Oh…well, fuck.

I strain my wrists against them, even though I’m not really sure what I’ll do if I’m able to wrench them free.

Take a dick in each hand, more likely than not.

But they’re stronger than I am. Infinitely stronger.

They hold me tight.

“You’re fucking hot, Kara. You have nothing to hide here,” says Eric.

His words resonate with me. I haven’t really…revealed myself to anyone since I lost the weight. I just don’t know how to explain the stretch marks or slightly loose skin.

You don’t lose as much weight as I do and immediately go pose for Playboy. The body remembers, and I haven’t yet learned how to bear my scars with pride.

But then, before I can lose myself in Eric’s flattery, suddenly it hits me.

“What are you doing in here?” I ask. “This is the women’s locker room. You two really shouldn’t be here. What if someone else walks in?”

“It’s kind of hilarious, actually,” answers Chase. He doesn’t take his eyes off my body as he talks. I don’t think I want him to. “This is the men’s locker room. We let you just waltz in here because we figured you’d catch on eventually.”

“And when we heard you screaming our names with that slutty little mouth of yours…we really couldn’t resist coming in to see what was going on,” adds Eric with a cocky smile.

“Worth it,” Chase admits, looking me up and down again. His tongue darts across his lips like he’s already imagining how I might taste.

“You’re fucking sexy, Kara. Moaning our names like that…”

“A man might get ideas.” Eric chuckles darkly.

“Two men, even.”

My face is beet red.

There’s no reversing it. They heard me. They probably saw most of it.

I masturbated to the idea of them having sex with me.

Both of them. Together.

And they fucking know it. There’s nothing here to do but own it.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I admit. I let them see my eyes travel down their bodies to their massive cocks. “You’re so fucking sexy. Both of you. Can you blame a girl for wanting it?”

Their hands are still around my arms.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024