Protein Shake - Page 37

But then I remember—Holly-Anne. She already gave me enough shit about fucking the dudes at the gym the last time I came back all post-orgasmic and glowy.

While I’m hungry for a round two with Chase and Eric, I’m not exactly looking forward to a round two of horny story time with Holly-Anne right now.

Eric grabs the door for me, and Chase pops our seat belt off. With a thrust of his hips, he has me tumbling out of the car and right into Eric’s arms.

“Look at you.” I giggle. “Always there to catch me when I fall.”

“For a pretty thing like you, I always will be,” Eric says, stealing another kiss. He tastes amazing—of fucking course he does. Everything about these guys is too delicious to be real.

“It’s a privilege, real

ly,” Chase says.

Eric pushes me back into Chase’s arms, and then I’m spinning. Chase cups my jaw in his big, calloused hand as he steals a kiss of his own.

Oh, they’re real, alright. I just can’t let Holly-Anne see us like this, or else I’ll never hear the fucking end of it.

But before I can inform them that I’ll carry the protein shakes in by myself, they’ve already got the trunk popped open and half a dozen boxes in each of their arms.

“Oh, guys, no,” I protest. “It’s okay. I’ll carry them in. You don’t need to—”

The fuckers just laugh at me, though.

“They’re heavy boxes, Kara,” Chase tells me.

“You’re not quite on our level when it comes to heavy lifting,” Eric adds with a wink. “Yet.”

I’m about to argue—after all, their twelve-inch dicks are pretty fucking heavy, and I lifted those just fine—but then I try to pick up a box of my own, and I can’t even get it up out of the trunk.

“Okay,” I relent. “But only because you’re so hot.”

“Did you hear that, man?” Chase chuckles.

“A supermodel thinks we’re hot.” Eric laughs. “If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that…”

I roll my eyes, jogging ahead of them so I can unlock the front door. “You’re already billionaires. You don’t fucking need it.”

When I pop the front door open, I’m mortified—but not exactly surprised.

“HELL YEAH!” Holly-Anne roars, a slice of pizza in one hand and the hair of the pizza delivery guy clutched in the other. He’s humming his ABCs between her legs, and from the looks of things, she’s wearing his delivery cap. “EAT MY PUSS, BABY! GO ON, EAT IT—YEAH, BABE, JUST LIKE—oh, hey Kare-bear!”

Of course, Chase and Eric pile in behind me before I can warn them that my sort-of roommate is getting head in our living room.

“You must be Holly-Anne,” Eric says, shooting her his shiniest billion-dollar smile.

“Huh. I didn’t know Pizza World did oral sex on delivery,” Chase says with an amused little snort.

“Oh, god. Sorry, guys. This is…I’m not even going to pretend it’s unusual,” I say, burying my face in my hands. “Just put the boxes over here.”

While Holly-Anne gives the pizza dude his tip and Lucy tries to get the pizza box open, Chase and Eric move all of the boxes of Protein Plus shakes into the kitchen.

“Are those your new fuck buddies?” Holly-Anne shouts from the living room.

“I prefer the term business partners!” I yell back, giggling.

“Does that mean you’ll be our girl?” Eric asks, putting down the last load of boxes. His muscles are bulging with exertion—but he carried those things like they weighed nothing at all.

My heart skips a fucking beat at his phrasing—our girl. Fuck, after the night they’ve given me, I want to be their fucking wife—but of course, that’s not what he means.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024