Protein Shake - Page 65

“I can.” Eric puts the car into gear. “You were fucking stunning.”

“You had the most talent there,” Chase agrees. “You totally blew everybody else out of the water.”

“I do love to blow things,” I grin as I bite my bottom lip, loving the way the guys drool over me.

Eric licks his lips as he focuses on the road. “You’re fucking naughty, Kara.”

“One of your best qualities,” Chase agrees.

My heart flips with excitement. Not only did I just win the Miss Sexy USA competition, but I have these two, amazing and wonderful gorgeous guys who are falling all over me.

A year ago, I would never have even dreamed of this. I’m walking proof that dreams come true if you work hard enough and set your goals. Ambition is key.

I push my nose into the flowers on my lap and take in their aroma.

Chase watches me do it. “Like them?”

“They’re beautiful,” I tell him. “They smell good, too…the smell of victory.”

The guys laugh and throw compliments my way, telling me I’m both adorable and sexy. Who am I to argue that point?

A few minutes later, we pull into a restaurant parking lot, and immediately, I’m hit with a fresh frazzling of nervousness.


Eric puts the car in park. “Yes, darling?”

“What are we doing at a…um…” I crane my neck to view the restaurant name. “Diner?”

It’s in a cute little building just outside the city. The place looks cozy, quaint, and crowded. I’m not sure it’s the best idea in the world for us to be seen out in public like this…all three of us together.

Not to mention the stuff that they serve at diners.

Greasy food. Fried food.

I’m in no condition to be subjected to that enormous amount of temptation.

“It’s a treat,” Eric says, hopping out of the car. He comes around and grabs my door for me, and Chase pushes me out.

“I don’t know about this,” I say with caution. Diners are fucking dangerous for gals like me. Holly-Anne and I used to crash places like this all the time—to the destruction of my body and modeling career.

“Stop fucking worrying. It’ll be fun,” Chase says, laying a kiss on my neck.

I’m still hesitant, but they coax me on. “You look gorgeous. It’s okay if you indulge yourself every now and then.”

I take both of their hands and step out onto the pavement below. “I guess I do work hard…” I say and trail off, trying to believe it and not be consumed by self-doubt.

“Of course you do!” Chase squeezes my hand. “You deserve a cheat night. You’re fucking Miss Sexy USA, for fuck’s sake!”

Chase shouts it to the world in the night, throwing his hands up.

Giggling, I just shake my head at their playfulness, taking it all in stride. If they say I deserve it, then I guess I have to agree with them. Cheat meals don’t come often these days, and I can make up for it tomorrow by getting aggressive at the gym to amp myself up and slide right back on track with my workouts.

We walk into the diner together as a trio, and a bubbly and young hostess greets us with a wide smile.

“Would you like a booth or a table?” she asks.

“Booth,” Eric and Chase say in unison.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024