Protein Shake - Page 177

“That’s not what the tabloids say.”

“Yeah, he’s a bit of a wild card when it comes to women. But, really, what does anyone know about him besides the fact that he has a pretty active sex life?” She exhales sharply and I smile to myself, the tone in her voice telling me that she’s imagining how it’d feel to be a part of Liam Donovan’s ‘pretty active sex life’. “Who hired you, though? Or is this some class action lawsuit type of thing?”

“No,” I chuckle, “just one client. Misty Lane.”

“Misty Lane? Jesus, she’s batshit crazy, Cara.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. She seemed pretty heartbroken over Liam, though.”

“Figures. I mean, from what I’ve heard, Liam is a born heartbreaker. Once a woman has a taste of his delicious -- ahem, of his delicious charm, she can’t get enough. He’s not the kind of guy to go for a relationship, though, and most girls just can’t deal with that.”

“So he’s the kind of guy that runs from love, huh?” I ask her, already feeling the fire of a challenge welling up inside me. I love to take these jaded assholes and make them see how much it sucks to have someone trampling over your heart.

“That’s right. He won’t make it easy for you. Alright, look… I’ll see what I can find, okay?”

“Thanks, Renee, I owe you.”

“Of course you do,” she laughs brightly. “Next dinner is on you.”

“You got yourself a deal,” I tell her, ending the call. Throwing my cell phone onto the couch, I walk over to the floor-to-ceiling window of my living room, looking at New York’s skyline as the sun sets, now hiding between two skyscrapers as it spills its orange glow all over the city.

Somewhere out there, Liam Donovan is enjoying himself, completely oblivious to the fact that there’s a target on his back. I know that this is going to be a hard job to pull off, but the more (or should I say less?) I know about him, the more intrigued I become.

Oh, this is going to be fun.


It only took Renee a day.

She called me early in the morning, still excited from whatever party she had been at all night, and told me that Liam was a regular at a private swim club in the Upper West Side. And, best part of it, she had already made sure I was part of the guest list for the whole week.

And now I have my in.

I rolled out of bed fast, took out my Bendita bikini from the end of one drawer, packed it in, and went to work feeling more excited than I probably should. Still, Liam is probably my most challenging target ever, and I think that a little excitement is in order.

The morning went quickly as I went through some paperwork, and I spent lunch doing some more recon on Liam - of course, I still didn’t find anything of interest. By the time the clock marked three pm, I was already halfway through the door of the building where Lust Muscle has its offices.

I spent the whole day waiting for Renee’s call, and she has just told me that Liam arrived at the pool twenty minutes ago. So, without a minute to waste, I’ve called a Uber and now I’m waiting anxiously for the driver to come pick me up.

Luckily, it’s only a ten minute drive to the swimming pool club. I spent the whole drive rehearsing the many possible ways I can approach Liam but, in the end, I decide to go with the flow of the moment.

The moment the car pulls up in front of a nondescript high rise building, I pay my driver and then stroll inside. There’s a clerk standing in front of a receptionist’s counter, and he looks at me with suspicious eyes. He probably knows all the regulars that frequent the place, and I’m not one of them. Thank to Renee, though, I just have to give him my name and he directs me to a private changing room on the last floor.

Ten minutes later, I step into the pool area.

Located at the rooftop of the building, the whole area seems luxurious enough to justify its private elite status. There are three large swimming pools, chaises lining their surroundings; in the largest pool, the one in the middle, there’s a bar set up in the corner, the stools facing the counter emerging from the bottom of the pool and allowing anyone to get a buzz going while never leaving the water.

The sound of laughs and splashes hits me right away, and I can’t help but to think that, despite everyone in this place being part of the so-called elite, everyone behaves like a little kid whenever they’re around a pool. Surprisingly (or maybe not), the place seems to be packed even though it’s Tuesday. What do these people do for a living?

Rocking my most expensive bikini, I waltz through the pool area and head straight to one of the empty lounge chairs. I notice a few heads turning toward me as I go, and I smile internally - no man can resist me when I’m wearing a bikini, and I’m pretty sure that Liam won’t be an exception to that rule.

Even though I still haven’t seen him, I try and walk as confidently as I can. He might be looking at me right now, and I want to make an impression as soon as possible.

Laying down on the chaise lounge, sunglasses covering my eyes, I start scanning the whole area. I don’t see him; instead, I hear him. He’s standing close to the bar, three girls crowding around him and giggling as he speaks. It seems like that the rumours are real - Liam is always in ‘go’ mode when it comes to women.

I remain lying for around fifteen minutes, just taking in the scene as Liam makes these girls laugh hysterically. Either he’s being extremely funny or they’re fighting to see who gets between the sheets with him. I’m betting on the latter.

Unfortunately for them, I’m about to end their little party. The moment I close in on Liam, they won’t stand a chance. I’ve been honing my seduction skills day in and day out, working at it as if it were a craft, and I feel pretty comfortable when saying that I can seduce almost any man.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024