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Protein Shake

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But wait. My boyfriend did laundry once at the laundromat. He put all his whites in with a very dark red shirt. And everything turned pink.

And there are now pink tighty-whities on the floor.


It can’t be. There’s no way!

My heart racing, I walk in the door and turn on the light.

A hand is sticking out from underneath the blankets. Is that Jenna’s hands?

“Jenna?” I ask quietly at first. The hand is struggling. Is it trying to push off the blankets?


It’s trying to hide.

“Hey, Alicia,” Jenna pops her head out from the other side of the blankets that are on her bed. There’s a silence in the air. She looks at me with guilty eyes.

“Is that…” I am about to finish my sentence but I don’t. It’s hard to explain the emotions going through me but the biggest one right now is fear. Fear of what I’m going to find out.

“Fuck,” Jenna says aloud, sighing. Her eyes are big and she's looking directly at me. It’s like she’s realized that this is a losing fight.

A bit annoyed I turn my gaze to give Jenna a moment to get up and cover herself. But turning around means looking at the hand on the other side of the blankets that's still trying to hide.

Despite everything, I almost want to laugh. I can’t believe that was Jenna’s hand! It’s so feminine looking!

"Jenna..." I manage to make out before I see the second head that emerges from underneath the blankets, as if giving up on hiding as well.

It's Jake. My boyfriend.

"Oh my God," I say, not knowing what else to say in a moment like this. I've watched plenty of movies where the wife catches the husband cheating or the girlfriend realizes that her man has been unfaithful and they always have some great witty takedowns and one-liners. All I manage to do is sit down on a chair in Jenna’s room - my heart going a mile a minute.

"Alicia," Jake says, seeing my reaction. He whips off the blanket and I vaguely realize that he's naked.

I'm sorry, it's still taking me a moment to put everything together and I'm having trouble processing. Why is Jake, my boyfriend, naked in Jenna’s bed? Was I snoring? Did I hog the blankets? Was he maybe sleepwalking? Did he fall in?

"Alicia," Jake says again, picking up and putting on his tighty-whities with a snap and walking over to me. "I'm sorry you had to see that and find out this way."

Find out? That he was sleepwalking? This is all happening too fast for me. I look up at Jake as he comes over to where I’m sitting across the room. I see Jenna clasp her bra and put on her panties before getting out of bed.

"I'm just going to give you guys a few minutes," she says, as she climbs into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.

I never really thought Jenna as pretty. She ends up looking really pretty with the clothes she wears and the makeup she puts on her face, but it always looked like more work than needed to me. But who am I to judge? I just saw her in bed naked with my boyfriend.

"Jake," I say, refusing to let tears come as I look at him. "What's going on?"

"Alicia," he says again. "I thought you were still asleep."

Wait, that's his excuse? That he thought I was still asleep?!

I make a face at him. "So what if I was?" I ask him, a bit pissed off. "That means you have open season to screw my roommate because I’m asleep?

Jake looks at me like I grew a second head. "Well, babe, it's just that I know you want to wait to bone or something, and I’m cool with that. I just thought..."

I look at Jake and can't help but feel a bit angry. "What?" I ask, a bit harshly. "Just because I’m not ready yet that it's okay to start hooking up with other girls? My roommate??"

"Well, no," he says, still in his tighty-whities. "She was just here."

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