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Protein Shake

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“Thirdly,” she says over the phone and I can see she’s rehearsed this. “You can’t have sex with anyone else.”

What. The. Fuck.

It’s bad enough that she’s going to prance around in that hot fucking body of hers and say I can’t fuck her. But now I can’t fuck anyone else either?

I gulp. All of a sudden, I need a fucking drink.

“Fine,” I croak.

“Great!” she squeals. She doesn’t even want the money. The whole point of this was giving her enough money to not strip.

“And you give up stripping, right love?” I ask. If she’s going to be stripping at the club, then all bets are off.

“Uhm, right. Yes!” she agrees. Fuck me, I’m going mental for this bird.

“Right, then,” I say, trying to draw my mind away from impure thoughts. “Let’s plan on doing something the day after tomorrow then, love. Get us out in front of the cameras. I’ll have Pressly plan something out and you can tell me if it lives up to your standards.”

We trade details and then hang up.

I sigh deeply to myself.


Well, I survived.

Although, to be fair, I didn’t really know what to expect after I got off the phone with him. I mean, after I got back home from dinner on Friday, I kind of just sat there, thinking about the offer.

The money would be great, sure, I couldn’t deny that. And please don't look at me like that, okay? I wasn’t selling myself. I made it explicitly clear that I wouldn’t sleep with him. And I wasn’t far off the truth, telling him I had debts to pay. But then I decided that the money was a short term consideration. The career making secrets I’d find were the long term goals.

But anyways, the first thing I do now is call Mike. I needed to make sure everything was going to be okay. Of course, Mike is enthusiastically on board about the whole thing.

“But won't the other papers figure out that I’m not a stripper?” I asked Mike. “Won’t they realize I work for you?”

“I think you’re overthinking that one, kiddo,” he answers, taking his time with his explanation. “Once we come out with our exclusives, we make sure to create a believable cover story for you. And don’t worry, as soon as I get off the phone, I’ll get some of the best people we have to set you up as Daphne Apple. Even if the Prince does a search of public databases, all he’ll see is a fake Facebook, and some government ID hits. Totally doable.”

I think that frightens me as to how easily I can become someone else.

There’s just one final last thing bugging me.

“And you’re sure what we’re doing is right? Tell me you’re sure, Mike?” And this is it. I was entering into something to find dirt on the Prince. Why? Because dirt sold papers. And our majority shareholder who happened to be the District Attorney wanted dirt. So she could most likely kick him out of the country. I mean, you saw, right? When he wanted to be, he could be charming and personable like he was at dinner. It almost makes me forget how much of an asshole he’d been to me so long ago.


“Yeah, kiddo, I’m sure,” Mike said with a long sigh. I could tell he’s thinking this himself. “At the end of the day, this is our job. To expose the truth. We gotta do it.”

Okay. If he says it’s okay, then I’m in.

“Get some sleep, kid. But first, get me tomorrow’s story.”

That’s right! I’m getting another shot at Abby! Yay!

I hang up and pour myself a glass of wine and begin to type up my story on my laptop. About dinner. And Per Se. And his amazingly hot body. The smell of his cologne. His blue, soulful eyes.

Oh, my.

* * *

Derrick picks me up at 8 am that Sunday. He’s got a stretch Bentley. I roll my eyes. That’s exactly what I expected from someone that I call Prince Sin.

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