Protein Shake - Page 314

“So that’s why you stopped?” I ask before giggling.

“I told you I was gonna be inside of you until we landed,” he shrugs.

“You’re a machine!” I shake my head.

“Only for you,” he looks deeply into my eyes.

“Forever?” I question.

“Forever, baby,” he assures me. And we stay locked in a gaze for an uncomfortably long time, before he leans over to kiss me deeply as the plane descends.

“Can you believe this is our life?” I wonder aloud.

“I thought of that at least ten times while I was inside you. I can’t believe I finally have you. There’s no way you could ever understand how much or how long I’ve wanted this. And now I have you.” He explains, looking toward the ceiling.

“I hope I don’t actually get pregnant,” I admit quietly.

“Yeah, we’ve gotta get you on some birth control, because I can’t ever wear a condom, you feel too damn good.” He says while shaking his head at the thought.

“I don’t want to have a baby before the wedding,” I add so he knows my reasoning.

“If you’re pregnant we’ll just move the wedding up,” he furrows his brows as if that was an obvious solution.

“When do you want to get married?” I question.

“As soon as possible,” he answers without hesitation.

“Really?” I quip, expecting him to want more time as a bachelor.

“Yeah, I don’t want you to change your mind.”

It’s hilarious to me that he could even think that. He’s the catch! A prince for crying out loud, and he’s worrying about little ole’ me having a better option or reason to not spend my life with him.

“There’s nothing in this world that could change my mind, Derrick. I can’t wait to be your wife,” I take his chin between my thumb and index finger to turn his head towards me.

“So then what are we waiting for?” He rises one eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.

“If you can’t wait, and I can’t wait, why are we waiting?” He asks before kissing me softly.

Our lips take over and lead us to another passionate embrace, our slippery bodies entangled, each of us unable to keep our hands off of each other. By the time the plane touches the ground we’re lost in another round of pleasure, two addicts enjoying another hit on the way to a fantastic high. My life with him is going to be filled with these type of adventures, and I can’t wait to get started.


I look over to Derrick and wonder for the millionth time how absolutely handsome he looks in that suit. He should – I got it for him before the interview.

Speaking of interview, I’ve zoned out again. Oh no!

We’re on the set of Today, USA and I’m sitting next to Derrick. Although to be fair, it seems more like a session for the hosts to gush over Derrick than to talk about us. But I don’t mind. I’m perfectly happy to sit there and look pretty for the moment. My turn is going to come soon enough. Just watch.

/> “And then you won the United Nations Humanitarian of the Year Award,” Robin Lefler is saying as she recounts his past. I narrow my eyes slightly. This is the same host that was fawning over him after the first time he and I were together. The time that Samantha ambushed me on the set and demanded to know how far I was in bringing him down. I didn’t get a chance to pay attention then to her flirtations, but I’m in a very good position to stop her now.

I reach over and grab Derrick’ hand casually. The camera doesn’t pick it up, because it looks so natural, but I caress his hand and place my own over his in a very proprietary fashion.

What? He belongs to me. If someone came over and tried to take your car, you wouldn’t let them, would you? Although to be fair, I don’t think I’d ever trade in this car that I’m riding. It hits just the right spots.

Oh my God. Do you hear me? Was I ever like this? A year ago, could you even have thought of me talking like this? I can’t – that’s for sure.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024