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Protein Shake

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“Actually, AJ, I think it’s not,” I say and people start to turn from me to look at AJ. “You’ve hated Julianna because she’s a woman. You’ve made comments about women in the past, calling them pigs, dogs, farm animals…”

“Only about the ugly ones,” AJ tries to defend himself and that’s when I know I’ve won the news conference.

“AJ, last year at the ESPY’s you completely ignored me,” Julianna pipes up, understanding where I'm going now.

“And AJ, you used to call me the golden child that you’d defend to your last breath when I played for the Devils, but all of a sudden I’m a sexual predator now?” Colt chimes in too.

AJ looks at me. Then he looks at the three of us.

See, by ourselves or individually, the world might try and tear us down. And they might very well succeed.

But when the three of us stand next to each other, when we’re shoulder to shoulder, there’s nothing in the world that can keep us down.

Colt gets that. Julianna understands that.

And now, I get that too.

AJ tries one last defense. He runs his hands through his hair and looks at us, and then focuses on me. “Maybe I was wrong about you, Ethan,” he says. “Maybe you’re not the victim, but part of a wider problem at the Nailers…”

“No, AJ,” I say, ready for this to be over. “I’m not. I think you’re the problem here with your conspiracy to destroy the team.”

AJ is shaking visibly now. People sitting next to him move away while others start training their cameras on him.

As if understanding that he’s walking a very slippery slope now, he turns red but manages to get one last sentence out, “You’re lying!”

I got to hand it to him – he put more effort and emphasis on that than I gave him credit for.

“Even if I was, AJ, I don’t care,” I say and AJ goes from looking terrified to confused. “And neither do they – the most important people in this.”

I point to the door. In walks the New York Nailers special team’s unit. All geared up. Following them is the offensive line. And the defensive line after that. All suited up in their pads and holding their helmets. With a grim expression towards the press.

All standing around the room, stoically showing support for their teammates. All declaring to the world that they didn’t care what we did in the privacy of our bedrooms, as long as we were good people.

That’s right. I did some advance planning. Think Colt could have pulled this off? This is classic Ethan Blake.

What? I like the guy, but let’s keep it manly, huh? I’m still gonna bust his chops whenever I can.

Don’t believe me?

“Ladies, and gentlemen,” I say. “Let me show you what I really want to do with Colt.”

For the first time in his life, Colt’s eyes open up in surprise as I grab his hand and pull him a few steps closer to me. I hold his face and bring mine closer and our lips meet as I kiss him.

He’s surprised. He should be. But in a moment, he relaxes and his mouth opens.

Our tongues dance as our eyes are closed.

I can hear clapping and applause from the room. I can hear whistles from my team. I can feel flashlights.

But for once, I don’t care.

It’s several moments later that we pull apart. I look over to Julianna, and she looks like she could take her clothes off and fuck right now. It’s not noticeable to anyone else - only to me.

I turn around to the audience.

And now for the metaphorical trump card, as they say. As if this wasn’t enough.

“And, AJ,” I say again and reach into my pocket, pulling out my phone and hitting play on the voice recorder and holding it to the microphone. Larry Summers’ voice comes on and I look out at the group as he speaks, “AJ has the whole thing planned out and there is an exit strategy for you, Ethan,” Larry says. “He doesn't want to take you down. Just that cunt bitch Julianna that thinks she can do a man’s job and own a team.”

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