Protein Shake - Page 479

The room explodes. Literally people are out of their seats.

AJ falls back to his seat and looks like he just got hit with a MAC truck. I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack or something. I want him to be alive for what’s coming next.

“Is Larry Summers still here?” I ask, trying to be heard over the commotion, but it looks l

ike the guy has quietly left.

No one is listening to me. They’re swarming AJ.

There’s a momentary lull where Larry’s voice gets through over the microphone, “AJ thinks if you play along then that bitch’ll be out on the street having her pussy licked by the hobos in a week, tops. And you’ll have the entire contract to yourself once they kick Colt out too.”

Ever hear about pouring gasoline on a fire?

Yeah, that.

Only worse.

I take a moment to admire my handiwork and then look over at Julianna and Colt. She looks at me and smiles.

“Come on, guys,” she says to each of us and wraps her hands in ours. “Let’s go win a game.”

I don’t think the media folks even realize as we walk out the door, heading out into history.


SportsNation Highlights.

Welcome to SportsNation Highlights - we're live and exclusive tonight from our Rockefeller Center studios and I'm your host - Traci Simister.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've been covering sports now for close to twenty years and for the last ten years with SportsNation. In all that time, I have never, ever, seen a day so riveting as today. With all the elements of an epic, today is one for the record books.

By now, unless you, the viewer have been trying to cut yourself off from modern American society for the last three months, you will have known about the travails of the New York Nailers in the NFL. All of that came to a head this evening as prior to the game, team owner Julianna Heaton hosted a press conference, inviting every major media outlet in the nation.

And just as quick as the press conference started, it appeared that it was moving into a witch hunt and Ms. Heaton's career as an owner in the league was numbered. In attendance was the NFL Commissioner Rob Horton himself.

We have complete coverage of the event on our website but let me just say that the 11th hour entrance of Colt Stackford and then Ethan Blake to not just defend Julianna but for the three of them to become one unit and beat back all accusations and detractors was amazing.

Is the pairing of three people into a love-unit unconventional? By most standards, it is. However, can anyone deny the love that these three human beings express for each other? I don't think anyone that watched the press conference would be able to.

Equally riveting was the counterpunches thrown by the trio at their detractors. Minutes after the conference was held at the New York Nailers’ stadium in East Rutherford, a task force of New Jersey and New York City police arrested AJ Ledoux on charges of lewd and lascivious conduct, invasion of privacy, extortion, and conspiracy to carry out defamatory acts. He is currently being held in the New York County jail in Manhattan without bail. Public opinion, once so strongly against the Nailers, has literally flipped overnight. In a matter of a few hours from when the world learned of AJ’s attempt to carry out the personal destruction of Ethan Blake, Colt Stackford and Julianna Heaton, the trio has seen their approval ratings skyrocket for the manner in which they defended themselves.

Never before in the history of sports, or the history of journalism has a story been so riveting and so compelling.

In almost a fitting first lap of their victory tour to crown the end of their personal troubles, the New York Nailers then went on to the game against the Boston Brats. Led by Colt and Ethan, the Nailers performed better on field than ever before in a historic game. That’s right, America. The New York Nailers are back. Another blowout and a definite nod to movement into the Playoffs with the Nailers' 72 - 18 win against the Brats.

But perhaps most compelling? The post-game, where not just Ethan Blake, but Colt Stackford embraced the same woman - Julianna Heaton - as they came to the side-lines.

Asked what their next steps were, SportsNation received this quote.

Cue to Julianna smiling on field with her arms intertwined with Ethan and Colt on either side of her.

"We're going back to my place to celebrate. And this time, if anyone wants to come watch us, they'll just have to buy the tape like everyone else."

Cut back to Tracie:

When pressed for comment, the spokeswoman for Julianna confirmed that the team owner was in fact joking and that no video recording was going to be made or released for public consumption.

And speaking as a woman, I can only say that I had hoped otherwise.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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