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First Comes Love

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Chase: Even if they say just the tip?

Nadia: Especially if they say just the tip. The rules of the contest are clear. Whoever takes Megan’s virginity becomes the Biggest Licker. But if Megan prevails, the Biggest Licker title passes onto her.

Chase: It’s a tough act, trying to stay aloof from so much man meat walking around in the house. I’m totally straight and even I might do them.

Nadia: Ooh, Chase, you can’t pretend to be gay on national television either. Sorry. We might get fined again.

Chase: Fucking Christ. Sorry. Let’s just stick to virgin pussies.

Nadia: To see if Megan’s virgin pussy manages to hold out another episode, be sure to join us this week on….

Voiceover: The Biggest Licker!!!!!


“Morning, princess.”

Tristan’s voice, husky from sleep, sends a thrill through me as I make my way into the media room and settle on the cushy chair facing the giant flat screen. I can’t help thinking about what I did last night before I went to sleep—and what he did. Twice, apparently.

“Hey.” I grin, going for casual as I tuck my feet up under me. Not an easy task when he’s sitting there looking sexy as hell in nothing but pajama pants, his dark hair slightly rumpled from sleep and still wearing the wire-rimmed glasses I rarely see him in. “Sleep well?”

Tristan arches a brow, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly. “You could say that. Until I was woken from a damn sexy dream about a certain lovely lady by our dear friend Chase.”

“Dude’s a regular fucking cock-blocker coming over that intercom at the ass crack of dawn,” Madden grumbles in agreement as he joins us in the media room and sits on the couch across from Tristan. He’s wearing even less than Tristan—just a pair of boxer briefs—and I can’t help gawking. He rubs his hand back and forth through his light brown hair, then notices me staring and gives me a dimpled grin.

I glance away quickly, my eyes going back to Tristan, but that doesn’t help. I squirm in my chair, hoping they can’t see that my nipples are now hard and pressing against the flimsy fabric of my silky pajama tank and shorts. I don’t know what I was thinking by not changing clothes. We’ve been called into the media room by Chase—the host of Biggest Licker—early in the morning plenty of times. But it’s never been just me and two half-naked men whose cocks had me a wet, horny mess less than twelve hours earlier.

Okay. Well then. Eyes straight ahead, Megan.

I focus on the blank flat screen, and fortunately Chase doesn’t leave us hanging. His image appears on screen.

“Good morning, contestants,” he says, way too chipper for this time of day.

We all mumble some form of greeting, none of us sounding too excited. I keep thinking back to what Maya said last night. That there’s going to be a twist. I have no idea what it could be, but my palms are practically sweating I’m so nervous.

Chase smiles, flashing his perfect white teeth that contrast against his perfect deep tan. His blond hair is perfectly styled, and his clothes look just as perfect. I want to snort at how overly perfect he appears. Must be nice to have a team of stylists making you look that good first thing in the morning.

“You’re probably wondering why I’ve assembled you all this morning.”

Tristan and Madden nod, trading suspicious glances with each other. Like they each expect to be informed that I fucked the other and we’re about to have a surprise live eviction or some shit.

Chase continues. “As you know, on Biggest Licker there’s always something unexpected. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you this season. Now that it’s just down to the three of you, we’ve got a brand-new, never before seen twist that changes everything.”

I bite my lip, my eyes darting to the guys then back to Chase. I feel like I’m going to come unglued if he doesn’t get to the point already.

“Do you want to hear it?” he teases, that perfect smile grating on my last nerve.

Fucking spit it out, Chase, I want to growl. But I sit and wait, twisting my fingers together.

“For the first time ever, we are allowing the contestants to leave the house.” He holds his hands up as I sit up straighter. “But just for the next twenty-four hours. Megan, you will be spending the day on a romantic date with one of the two remaining billionaires.”

My jaw drops. Literally. Not only do I get to leave this house that’s started to feel like a prison, but I get to go on a date? I’ve

seen enough reality shows to know that this date will be over the top awesome. It’s almost too good to be true.

Chase keeps right on talking. “We’ve chosen the lucky billionaire at random.” He holds up an envelope, dragging out the anticipation. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Tristan and Madden narrow their eyes at each other, their bodies tense. This is a game changer.

Chase opens the envelope, pausing dramatically, then says, “And the lucky man is… Tristan.”

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