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First Comes Love

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Carter leans over me, almost pinning me down, and kisses my neck, sending euphoric shudders down my spine. His strong hands grip me, touch me, explore me. I let out a slight moan as he begins to undress me slowly.

“Carter…” It comes out like a warning. He can’t do this. Even though we both desperately want to.

“I know, baby. I’ll be good. But I just want to be close to you.”

Heart. Melted.

He strips down next, then crawls into the bed beside me, wrapping me in his arms and tucking me against him. I can feel his rock-hard cock cradled against my ass, and my hips wiggle a little involuntarily, but we can't do this. We can be strong. We have to be strong. Too much is riding on this.

Rolling over in his arms, I run my fingers over his chiseled chest, loving the way his skin feels pressed against mine. We’re totally bare lying here together. It would be so easy to have sex right now. But we don’t. We just kiss. A slow, sweet kiss full of love and emotion.

“I love you, Ashley,” he murmurs against my mouth.

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing it.

“I love you,” I reply, and then we fall asleep in each other’s arms, totally content.


The sound of incessant ringing wakes me from some of the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. At first, I’m confused and disoriented. I’m not alone in my bed. That’s never happened.

Then I remember everything that happened earlier tonight. Ashley.

She told me she loves me. And that she’s willing to wait for me to get through the last agonizing weeks of this reality show. A show I’m quickly starting to resent now that it’s affecting parts of my life that actually matter. Namely, my relationship with Ash.

The doorbell rings again and again, and finally I drag myself away from Ashley’s warm body and pull on some boxer briefs as I head out of my room and into the living room. Pulling open the front door, I’m surprised to find Chase standing there.

I rub my eyes and run my hand through my hair.

“Dude. What are you doing here? It’s got to be—” I glance around, looking for a clock, “—fuck, it’s three in the morning.” What could possibly be so important that he had to come over in the middle of the fucking night? All I want to do right now is crawl back in bed with Ashley and pull her soft, sexy body into mine.

“Hey.” Chase gives me a smirk, one I’m becoming all too familiar with. Fucking hell, what now? I swear, I thought the guy was my friend. Like really my buddy. But he’s been getting way too much pleasure lately out of telling me all the ways I can’t get off. I have a sinking feeling he’s here for more of the same.

“Fuck, Chase, can this wait until morning? I mean, really.” I start to shut the door, but he reaches a hand out and pushes back.

“Sorry, man,” he says, not sounding sorry at all. “This has to be done now.”

“Whatever,” I mumble, stepping away from the door and walking toward the couch where I collapse and rest my elbows on my thigh, giving him an expectant stare. Might as well get this over with.

“So,” he begins, “that was some really great TV. Awesome, man. Truly. The ratings were through the roof. I don’t think we’ve had more people viewing the show live…well, ever.”

“Great.” I throw my hands up in the air. “What’s the problem then? We’re giving them what they want, right? I’m being tempted like I never have before. And I’m fucking falling in love, but can’t have sex with the woman of my dreams. It’s perfect, right? I don’t get it. What else could you possible want?”

He shakes his head. “Not me, man. Lola. You know that bitch is crazy.”

Sure the fuck is. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner. I can’t stand working for her anymore. I can’t wait until this contract is up. But I guess I shouldn’t hate on her too much. If it weren’t for this show—and her manipulations behind the scenes that I’m only now fully starting to see—I wouldn’t have met Ash. And I can’t regret that.

“Just spit it out, Chase. I need to get back to bed. I have a hot little woman keeping it warm for me.”

Chase presses his lips together. “That’s what I’m here about. It’s why you have to know now—before you go back to bed.”

Fuck. It’s going to be bad, I can feel it.

“Out with it already,” I growl.

“No more oral.”

At firs

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