First Comes Love - Page 333

t I think I’ve misheard. Like, I literally take my hand to my ear and pull at my earlobe. “Sorry, what?”

Chase nods. “Yeah. You heard me right. You can no longer have oral sex.”

I want to laugh at the absurdity of it—I mean the fucking show is called Head Hunter for fuck’s sake—but I know he’s not joking. And it’s no joking matter.

The thought of going seven more weeks without Ashley’s warm, perfect mouth on my cock has me feeling like I might go out of my mind. That was all we had left, really. No sex, no anal, no jerking off. Now no oral either? It’s like a sick joke. Fucking Lola. This is her scheme; I just know it. Anything she can do to push me to my limits to get me to screw up. Well, fuck her. Not this close to the finish line.

“This is ridiculous, I hope you know that,” I say, pointing my finger at Chase. I know it’s not his idea, but I can’t help feeling like I want to shoot the messenger just a little.

“Carter, if you love Ashley like you just declared on national television, no more head. The Head Hunter is officially sidelined.”

“How can that even be a thing?” I protest, grasping at straws. “I mean, it’s the name of the fucking show. It’s what people tune in for. It’s what they expect.”

He shakes his head. “Not anymore. Things have changed. You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff popping up on forums on the Internet. It’s trending on Facebook and Twitter. People love you and Ashley, don’t get me wrong, but they’re all taking bets to see if you guys can make it the rest of the season.”

“We can,” I assert.

We have to. A whole hell of a lot is riding on this.

Chase stands and makes for the door, turning back at the last second with a genuine sympathetic smile. At least he’s not a total douche. Somewhere under there is the guy who usually has my back. “Good luck, man.”

“Thanks. I’m going to need it,” I mutter, closing the door behind him and dropping my forehead against the frame, knocking against it a few times for good measure.

Because FML. I can’t masturbate, have anal, or get head for seven more weeks? There’s nothing left other than actually having sex. How the hell am I going to make it that long?


I stretch my arms above my head, feeling like I’m floating on a cloud. I must still be dreaming because I don’t remember ever being in a bed as soft and luxurious as this one. Half asleep, I roll over—right into a raging hard-on.

My eyes fly open.

Oh my God—Carter! Everything comes rushing back to me and I remember what an amazing night we had last night. I sigh in contentment as I watch him sleep.

He’s so perfect. The most sexy, gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my entire life. A fucking huge twelve-inch cock—I know, right? But that’s not even all of it. He’s a good man. A man that I’ve loved getting to know and who I can’t wait to really get to know—in every single way possible—once this show is over.

I love him, and he loves me. It almost feels surreal. It’s just so totally perfect.

Wriggling against him so that I’m even closer, I reach over and wrap my arm around his waist, loving just cuddling here in bed with him. Sure, I’d love to do more, but if this is all we have for now, I’ll take it.

Besides, it’s not all we have. We can still give each other pleasure in other ways.

Leaning forward, I give Carter a soft kiss on his lips, and he starts to stir.

He opens his sleepy eyes and looks at me, smiling for a minute like he’s just as happy as I am to wake up together before he pulls me closer to him and kisses me. He deepens the kiss, and soon we’re both panting for breath, need and desire taking over.

Rising up on my hands and knees, I hover over him, fighting the urge to sink down on his shaft that is now pulsing with every beat of his heart, practically begging for attention.

“I love you, Carter. I can totally wait seven weeks for you. So what if we can’t have anal? It’s fine.” I give him a sexy little wink. “I do have a mouth, you know.”

I crawl further down his body, wrapping my hand around the thick base of his cock, licking my lips at the sight of the pre-cum beading on the thick head. God I just want to take it all in mouth, tasting every bit of him. I really desperately want to feel him explode in me and come down my throat.

Just as I’m about to take him in my mouth, Carter grabs my chin and lifts my head up, his eyes wide. “Wait!”

My brow furrows, then I give him a teasing smile. “What’s wrong? The Head Hunter’s finally had enough?”

“Yeah right,” he growls, grabbing my sides and hauling me back up against him. “Believe me, baby, there's nothing I want more right now than that sexy little mouth wrapped around my cock.”

His words cause us both to moan with desire, but he shakes his head adamantly. “We can’t.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024