First Comes Love - Page 354

Jumping up to my feet, I grab my helmet from the counter and head out the door into the c

old air of the night. I look around, my heart tightening inside my chest as I see no sign from her. But God seems to be on my side tonight. I see a taxi at the end of the street turning around the corner, and my eyes catch a glimpse of Vivian in the backseat.

I run toward my motorcycle, get on it, and rev the engine up. I put my helmet on, turn my hand over the accelerator, and in a matter of seconds, I’m racing down the street, the engine roaring out loud as I push it to the limits.

Swerving in and out of traffic, I quickly catch up with the taxi, following it until it stops in front of the Courtyard, a hotel just outside of New Kingston’s downtown. I park my bike as she gets out of the taxi, but she doesn’t even acknowledge me as I approach her.

"Stay away from me," she tells me harshly, looking back over her shoulder. I stop dead in my tracks, wondering if I read her wrong. But no… The way we kissed, the way she’s running away… She wants this as much as I do.

I follow after her, her heels clicking in the distance as she walks past the hotel’s reception. Not wanting to run after her like some fucking psycho, I stop and turn toward the young receptionist, gifting her with a smile. She looks at me with wide eyes, surprised to see the mayor standing in front of her.

"The woman who just walked in… What’s her room number?" I ask her, hoping that she won’t give me some bullshit about the guest’s privacy and whatnot.

"Uh… It’s… Uh, room 17," she manages to mutter, typing something on her computer. The moment I know where to go, I turn on my heels and start walking down the hallway. The receptionist calls after me, but I don’t bother looking back. Vivian Hawthorne’s perfect body has taken over my mind, and there’s no stopping me now.

My eyes scan every door as I walk past them, and I finally find the one with a golden 17 engraved on it. Balling my right hand into a fist, I rap my knuckles against the door, my heart beating like a motherfucker. What the fuck am I doing here? Minutes ago I was just drinking a beer and watching the game, and now here I am, my cock hard inside of my pants as I wait for the hottest woman I have ever seen to invite me inside her room.

The rational part of me is trying to convince me to turn around and leave. This isn’t a good idea, not at all. If she has already met with Carter and now she’s seen checking in with me at a hotel… Well, if the press finds out about it, we’re all going to have a field day. But before I can come to my senses and leave, the door swings open.


I know I shouldn’t open the door; I shouldn’t let trouble in ... But my body is moving by itself, and the moment the door swings open and my eyes find Liam’s, all doubts and fears are gone.

"Invite me in, or send me away," he says, flames dancing in his eyes. "This is it; last chance." By now, there’s only one possible answer: I reach for his shirt, and hooking my fingers on his collar, pull him in. He comes easily, slamming the door shut after him; the sound of it makes my heart race even faster, and I just know there’s no stopping now. Not that I want it to stop, whatever it is we have started.

"Yes," I merely say, unconsciously licking my lips. Wordlessly, he rests his hands on my hips and leans in, my eyelids drooping as he presses his mouth against mine. Lips on lips, I feel sparks of pleasure jumping from his body into mine, and before I even realize it, he has me pinned against the wall, his body pressed against mine.

His hands go around my waist and down to my ass, his long fingers cupping my ass over the tight fabric of my dress. Pulling me into him, I let him lift me up and lace my legs around his lower back. He bites on my lower lip, his teeth pulling on it gently, and I feel a soft moan climbing up my throat.

I throw my head back, running my hands through his curls as his lips go down to my neck, his pearly white teeth nibbling at my skin. Holding me close, he takes one step back and ambles deeper inside the room, placing me down on the soft mattress. I open my eyes and look into his, uncontrollable desire flickering there.

Judging by the hardness in the corner of his eyes I half-expect him to simply rip the dress off of me, but that’s not what he does: standing up tall, he simply looks down at my eager body, his eyes wandering over my curves as if he were reading a map. I stare back, the way his shirt delineates the contour of his muscles pulling me deeper into a trance of desire.

"I had to come," he says, towering over me as if he weren’t a man but a God. "From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. And now here you are."

"Here I am," I repeat after him, the way the words roll off of my lips making my heart feel tight against my chest. I came to New Kingston on work, and he just threw everything into disarray… What we’re doing is as wrong as wrong could ever be, and I couldn’t be any happier. I’m not one to shrug off my responsibilities, but something in him choked the rational part of me, forcing the primal desires I hold in chains to come up to the surface.

He leans into me as if he were to kiss me, but he stops before his lips touch mine. His fingers slide up the nape of my neck and he tangles them in my hair, yanking and forcing me to throw my head back, his eyes locked on mine.

"How bad do you want it, Vivian? How bad do you want to feel my cock inside of you?" he murmurs, my heart beating so fast I’m afraid it might burst.

"Not as bad as you want it," I tell him, my lips curling into a defiant smile. I know that, eventually, I’ll surrender to him in every possible way… But if he wants to dominate, he’s going to have to earn it. He yanks harder on my hair and I gasp, eager to feel his body pressed against mine once more.

"We’ll see," he simply replies, slowly letting go of my hair, his fingers sliding down my neck. Casting his long shadow over me, he looks imposing, dominant, and… irresistible. I lick my lips, the flavor of his mouth still lingering there, and I let my eyes wander down from his chest to his crotch. My heart tightens some more, the contour of his cock against his pants stoking the fire that burns inside of me: it’s bigger than any cock I have ever seen, and I feel my pussy clenching as I imagine what it’s going to feel like when he slides it deep inside of me. Slowly, I raise my hand, reaching for his cock with outstretched fingers, but he catches my wrist before I can touch him, forcing me to stop.

"No," he says, the hard tone of his voice making my blood boil. "Your dress, take it off," he commands me, peeling his fingers off my wrist and stepping back.

"I’ll do whatever I --" I start, reaching for his crotch again. He moves quicker than I could ever do, grabbing me by the wrist and pinning me down between the mattress and his body.

"You’ll do what I tell you to do," he says, the words coming out firm and steady, no room there for me to defy him. "And you’ll thank me for it." His hard eyes on mine once again, we battle for higher ground; I succumb easily, desire trumping everything else.

"I’ll do… what you tell me to," I whisper as he goes back up to his feet, a pleased smile dawning on his lips.

"Good. Now your dress. Take it off." This time I don’t reply; I simply take my fingers to my shoulders, grabbing the fabric there and slowly pushing the straps down my shoulders. My eyes never leave his as the dress falls down to my waist, my lace black bra revealing itself to him. As he takes in my chest’s tanned skin and the smooth curve of my breasts, I hook my fingers on my dress and raise my ass up from the mattress, pushing the fabric down my legs. His eyes follow the movement of my hands, tracing a downward line toward my waist and legs, and lingering for a while on my tiny lace thong.

I’m wet now, even wetter than when our lips touched for the first time. I never had anyone bossing me around like this… And I can’t help but submit, my body anxious to follow the commands of a man like him.

"Don’t stop," he tells me, his voice still steady but betraying the raging desire that runs through his veins. "Your bra—take if off." I take my fingers behind my back and unclasp my bra, the cups drooping over my breasts as I slide the straps down my shoulders. Taking it off, a shiver goes up my spine as I feel the cool air of the room lapping at my hard nipples, the rosy tips eager

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024