First Comes Love - Page 403

"I was just having a glass," I tell them, moving toward the center of the living room and setting my glass on the table, next to the bottle. "Although now that you’re here, I don’t need the wine to unwind anymore."

"You don’t. We can make you unwind pretty easily." Liam looks at Carter, unspoken agreement flashing in their eyes. They are hiding something from me, and I want to know what it is.

"What?" I ask them, looking from one to the other. "Tell me."

"Fucking hell, Vivian. When are you going to learn the virtues of patience?" Liam laughs, mocking me as he runs one hand through my hair, a gentle smile on his lips. "We have a… surprise."

"I love surprises." Especially when they come from Liam and Carter; I know the kind of surprises these two can plan, and they never fail to disappoint. "Does it have anything to do with the off limits bedroom?" For the past few days they have kept one of the spare bedrooms locked, and I wasn’t allowed a key to it. I asked them countless times why they didn’t allow me there, but they never gave me a straight answer. It seems that I’m about to find out what they’re hiding there.

"Oh, it has everything to do with that room. And you’re going to love it," Carter whispers against my ear, standing behind me as he presses his body against mine. "Close your eyes," he tells me, and I do it without bothering to know why. A few seconds after I’ve sunk into darkness, I feel him sliding a soft thread of fabric around my head and over my shut eyes. It smells of Carter, and I don’t need to touch it to know that it’s his tie. He ties it on the back of my head, and then plac

es both his hands on my hips.

I gasp as he picks me up, one arm under my knees and the other one around my waist. I place my arm around his neck and let him carry me, my heart beating in rhythm with the soft click of both their shoes. When Carter puts me down, I feel the softness of a mattress under my backside and I lay back, anxious to surrender myself to whatever it is they intend to do. Blinded by Carter’s tie, somehow I can still feel their eyes on me. After all, where else would they look when I’m right here with them, my tight black dress hugging the curves of my eager body?

"Do you trust us?" Liam asks me, and I simply nod, not saying a word. I’d trust them with my life, and they know it. "Good," he says, and then I feel him wrapping something around my wrist. Carter must be on the other side of the bed, because I feel another thread of fabric around my other wrist. They push my arms over my head, and then the fabric they put on me becomes tight around my wrists; I try and move my arms only to find resistance. My insides clench as I realize they have tied me up to the bed… And I can’t see a thing. I’m blind and defenseless, vulnerable to whatever it is they want to do with me… And I love it. Oh, God, do I love it.

"You know, you look really good like this… Tied up and with no way to escape from us," I hear Liam say, and I can’t help but smile at his words.

"What makes you think that I want to escape?" I ask, allowing an expression of defiance to take over my face. Then, I feel the mattress shifting under someone’s weight, and I purse my lips. It’s frustrating that I can’t see what’s happening around me, and that just makes me want them even more.

"That’s all that I needed to hear," Carter whispers, and then his hands are on me, running up my side. A shiver goes up my spine as I feel his fingertips brushing over my neck, and then down to the skin between my breasts. Running his hand across the collar of my dress, he then moves it all the way to the straps on my dress. He hooks his fingers there, and tugs on the strap; my arms are raised and tied up, so I wonder for a moment about how he’s going to take my dress off, but then the answer comes with a strong ripping sound. Carter’s hands are still pulling at my straps, but Liam’s are on my collar, tearing the fabric apart. Together, they push my ruined dress down my body, and I squirm in place as I feel it sliding down my body. My naked skin against the soft sheets, I push against the ties that bind me, my whole body tensing up as I suddenly feel exposed; here I am, wearing nothing but a lace bra and thong, and I can’t even see the look on their faces.

I tremble in place as I feel a pair of lips against my neck, and then another one between my breasts. Sighing heavily, I surrender to the darkness, their mouths savoring my naked skin on a downward trajectory. I feel them moving down my stomach at the same time, their lips gently kissing every inch of my body until they meet the hem of my thong. I sway my hips from side to side, and then someone presses a forearm over my waist, pinning me down to the mattress; frozen in place, there’s nothing I can do but submit.

"We can do anything…"

"Anything we want…"

I bite my lower lip, a growing wetness between my inner thighs. Yes, they can do anything… And I can’t. My heart beats in heavy frustration, but that frustration comes laced with a perverted sense of surrender. All my life, I always needed to be in control; now, I’m letting go of it. And, as frustrating as it might be, it feels so fucking right.

"You can do anything…" I repeat their words, letting them roll over my tongue as a sinful mantra. "I’m waiting," I continue, urging them to act on their promises. My words have an effect, but it’s not the one I intended; they simply let go of me, the mattress shifting as they get out of the bed. I can do absolutely nothing about it, so I simply try and listen to whatever it is they’re doing, the loud drumming of my heart making that a difficult task.

I hear a metallic clink; the buckle of a belt? And then there’s the rustle of clothes. Are they undressing? It seems like it, but there’s no way for me to be sure. It’s maddening to know that they’re probably naked by now, their chiseled muscles and hard cocks so close to me.... and yet so far. I can’t touch them, I can’t see them, and yet, I know they’re here, burning with desire. Frustration doesn’t even start to describe it. This is torture.

"You’re torturing me," I moan, pushing back against the knots in my wrists.

"We are," Liam says, his voice telling me that he’s standing up at the side of the bed. "And don’t you just love it?"

You can’t imagine how much, I think to myself, still trying to fight back against my bindings. I open my mouth to tell him that, but the words die on my throat as I feel the mattress shifting again as they climb on top of the bed. I imagine them naked, their hard cocks pointing up as they gaze at my half-naked body, and that is almost enough to make me go mad. A low growl of desire rises from my throat, and I feel a burning need building up inside my muscles. God, I need them to do something—anything!

Almost as if they could read my mind, I feel a pair of fingers on my outer thighs curling around my thong. There’s a pull, and then my underwear is sliding down my legs. My clit throbs and burns as I can almost sense their eyes devouring my wet pussy, their own eagerness making the atmosphere in the room become heavy and electric.

"Please," I find myself saying, having no idea about what it is that I want. I just know that I want it. As a response, one of them spreads my legs wide and positions himself between them; in an instant, there’s a mouth on my stomach, soft kisses making their way down. Squirming, I almost stop breathing as I feel the tip of a wet tongue going down my mound and reaching for my clit. There’s a moment of hesitancy, and then a gunshot goes off inside my mind as that same tongue presses down on my clit. I gasp as I feel it, and that’s all I have the time to do - before I can even prepare myself for it, there’s a set of lips wrapped tight around my clit, sucking eagerly. "Oh, God… I’m… Going crazy in here," I say, half-moaning and half-whispering, the words hanging heavily in the air.

"That’s the idea," Liam whispers against my ear, making me realize that Carter is the one responsible for the burning in my clit.

"Your cock…" I moan, throwing my head back against the mattress as I arch my back. "I want it."

"Of course you do," Liam responds, and I feel him moving. I’m breathing hard now, anxious to know what he’s going to do while Carter devotes himself to devouring my drenched pussy. I feel something brushing against my lips and I react on pure instinct; I open my mouth wide and crane my neck, wrapping my lips around Liam’s delicious shaft. He’s probably on his knees, grabbing his own cock and aiming it at my mouth, and that’s all he needs to do. I go as far as I can, allowing his cock to roll over my tongue until his long inches are all inside of me; then, I start to move my head in a coming and going motion, trying to focus on what I’m doing while a storm starts to brew in the nerve endings around my pussy.

Carter has moved down from my clit, and now he has opened his mouth over my soaking wet folds. He sucks them in, running his tongue along them, and I can’t help but thrust at him, pushing my pussy against his mouth as hard as I can. Matching my eagerness with his, he lays his arm across my waist and uses two fingers to press on my clit, rubbing it in a fast circular motion. His fingers and mouth turning a growing storm into a hurricane of pleasure, I start moving my head erratically, almost unable to control the movements of my own body. But I try as hard as I can, hungrily sucking on Liam’s cock as I feel a wild pressure mounting inside of me.

"That’s my girl," Liam says, placing one hand on my head and tangling his fingers on my hair. As if he knew that I couldn’t go on, he holds my head in place and starts to buck his hips at me, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. "Fuck, I can never get enough of your tight mouth…" he groans, his shaft pulsing against my tongue and the inside of my cheeks. I might not be able to see him, but I can hear his ragged deep breathing… I might be drowning in lust, but he’s not doing any better.

As Carter starts to jab with his tongue, sliding it past my folds and in

side my pussy, I just lose it. My muscles tense up and, feeling me on the verge of exploding, he starts pressing harder on my clit. I arch my back and turn my head to the side, Liam’s cock popping out with a wet sound as a moan of utter delight bubbles up to my lips.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024