First Comes Love - Page 425

Hell fucking yeah I do. But that's not what I say. I'm too busy looking at Misty who seems to have stopped dancing. The music's stopped and the audience is booing.

"That's all for tonight with Misty, gentlemen!" he announces. "Give her a round of applause if you want her to come back!"

The crowd goes wild and so do I. I quickly pull my jeans back on.

"Hey!" Marta yells at me and I look over. She's still splayed out on my sofa, naked, with her cunt exposed to the wider world. I shake my head to myself. If the fucking slut's not even going to respect herself, how the fuck is it that I'm the fucking bad guy when I kick her to the curb? Besides, I always tell the girls I'm with, from the very beginning, that if we ever fuck, they shouldn't expect that all of a sudden I'm going to change and stay around for them. That's not the way I fucking roll.

“When will I see you again?” She keeps asking. “I’m free any time after my shift.”

Right, she’s free. She’d probably quit her fucking job, leave her family, and do any fucking thing I want to be with me again. Free? Absolutely.

But I'm not fucking thinking of that. Right now, I can't dwell on this. I have to go down and see who this Misty character is, because fuck me if she isn't driving me fucking mental. I need to go find her. There's something about that girl - like I fucking know her from somewhere.

"Hello?" Marta asks, getting upset. "Aren't you going to give me anything at all?"

What the fuck does she want? She knew going into this that this was just a fuck. What does she want me to give her?

"Here," I say absent-mindedly, handing her my condom that I'm holding. I was originally going to go to the manager's office and flush it down the toilet. But there’s no fucking time – I can see Misty start to pack up.

Marta's mouth drops open as I hold out the condom, not even realizing what I'm doing. I think she's too shocked to even comprehend the situation because she just holds out her hand as I drop it in and immediately turn around without a second thought to leave. I don't even notice her gaze of absolute shock as I descend down the stairs.

And it's a good thing I rushed too, because Misty's putting her coat on and getting ready to leave. I bound down the floor. Thankfully, people are too focused on the girls to fucking notice me and in a few seconds I've reached her.

There's an older bloke standing next to her and he sees me first. Wait, does he poke her in the ribs once? I'm not sure but as soon as I notice that he sees me the man just takes a step back, almost as if into the fucking shadows.

Hey, I've fucking heard about beta males, but this is almost something else. It's almost enough to get me to lose focus on my mission at hand.


The girl, Misty, is looking up at me now.

"Thank God, I caught you," I exhale out.

"Why?" the woman's voice is harsh, like she's stopping herself from slapping me. "Did you want to take me up there to your sex room?"

What the fuck?! I look at her with confusion. The anger in her voice makes me flinch.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask her.

"That's what you do, don't you?" she asks. "You fuck girls. And then throw them away?"

What was with this bitch?

"Isn't that why you ran down to catch me?" she asks. Fuck, she's got a fucking edge to her. Normally, I'd just call her a bitch and walk the fuck away. I'm not wasting my time on some fucking feminazi bitch. No pussy is worth that much.

But this one somehow is, because I stand there, just taking the abuse.

She's looking at me, her eyes raised. "Well?" she asks.

I notice out of the corner of my eye that the man she was with is looking worried. Like he wants to intervene. I'm not sure what his deal is. Maybe her manager. Can't be her fucking pimp. Somehow, she doesn't fit the mold.

"Sorry, love," I say, wondering what else I can say at this moment. Fucking Prince Sin - yeah, don't look at me like that, I kind of am taking a shine to the fucking name - all of a sudden without anything to fucking say.

"It's just that when I saw you on stage, you reminded me of someone I used to know. A long time ago," I say quietly. Her eyes widen and I don't know why I say it, but I fucking do, "A happier time."

That fucking takes her back. She wasn't fucking expecting that. "Who?" She asks me. "Another slut you slept with?"

"Where the fuck is this hostility coming from? Jesus fucking Christ, love," I exclaim. "It's like you hated me before I even got here."

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024