First Comes Love - Page 465

“All rise,” the Bailiff announces as the entire courtroom gets to its feet and an elderly looking judge comes in from his office attached to the back. The Bailiff continue

s. “The Honorable Judge Walter E. Byrd is now presiding over the Federal Court for the 10th Circuit. Please be seated.”

I sit down. Larry is sitting next to me in the seat that's normally reserved for Counsel. Daphne’s sitting behind me. I turn my head back to her and give her a quick smile. She’s wearing a silky navy blue dress. We fucked hard this morning – she got on top and squeezed her eyes shut as she rocked back and forth on my monster fucking cock until she came so fucking hard that her body literally trembled for hours on end afterwards.

“Prince Derrick Blaine,” the judge says and looks at me. Fucking hell. It’s fucking game time, mate. I’ve been in front of this judge so many times that I figure I should start sending him Christmas cards going forward.

I stand up along with Larry and he opens my file. I look back. The courtroom is filled with your usual suspects. People waiting for the judge to plead their cases, reporters, and casual observers.

Across the table is Samantha fucking Scar.

“I see here that you’ve paid all your fines this month,” the Judge says looking through the file. “Not just what you racked up but everything you’ve accrued.”

“I did, Your Honor,” I say. That’s why I’m here today. It’s really just a formality, unless the Judge wants to impose additional sentencing based on what I did on camera. That’s why Larry is here with me. That’s probably why that fucking DA, Samantha, is here too.

“So it looks like the NYPD are going to be able to afford that summer barbecue based on all the fines you’ve paid,” the Judge chuckles to himself. Despite the surroundings, I can’t help but smile and be amused. Every time I fucking parked in a loading zone, all the red lights I’ve run, all the driving on the other side of the road is now paid off. Hell, I once landed a helicopter on Park Avenue – snarling traffic. That was a pretty hefty fine - $50,000. I paid that off to in preparation for this court date. In fact, it was just a matter of listening to Larry telling me that the best thing I could do for legal issues was to start by paying off all the claims against me.

“I also see that you’ve managed to keep yourself out of trouble for the last six weeks – there have been no citations against you so far,” the Judge went on, his eyes widening. “Not a single citation,” he repeats with awe.

I smile at him. I’ve been holding back. Redirecting all that energy towards fucking Daphne.

Like literally fucking her.

After talking at length with my father, I now know that there are demons that I’ve inherited from my mother that will destroy me if given half an opportunity. Honestly, if it weren’t for Daphne, then I’d probably be neck deep on the spiral of self-destruction by now.

“That’s right, Your Honor,” I say, giving Samantha a sideways glance. “I’ve been staying out of trouble.”

“Well, I daresay that it will be carving a hole out of the city budget that’ll be a rather nasty surprise,” the Judge says with amusement. “Although it’ll be a good one for me to not to see you in here again.”

The judge is smiling at me and I decide to humor him and smile back. I can make out the DA, Samantha, bristle.

“Your Honor,” Larry says to the Judge. “My client would like to file a motion to dismiss all summary actions against him at this time,” Larry speaks up.

Judge Byrd, who I’ve seen in and out of Court over the last few years’, sighs, looking up from his file towards Larry.

“I’m inclined to agree, Counsel,” Judge Byrd says. He looks over at Samantha. “Do you disagree?”

Samantha visibly darkens. “Your Honor, Prince Blaine has utter contempt for the law and the rules of civilized society,” she begins. “A few days of good behavior could just as well mean he was out of the country on a debauched vacation.”

The Judge looks at me. “Now, Prince Derrick,” he begins. “I read the papers just like anyone else. I’ve seen you open battered women’s shelters, animal shelters, drug counseling clinics, pop up food pantries, you name it.”

I nod. Best to stay fucking silent.

“Let me ask you this, Prince, and I can tell when you’re lying,” the Judge continues. “Is this all just the calm before the storm?”

I shake my head indicating that it's not and I say, “Have you ever had a better angel, Your Honor?”

The Judge takes a long look at me. He notices Daphne staring at me and my sideways glance back at her.

Finally, he smiles. “All charges dismissed,” he says, banging his gavel. Photographers start flashing their cameras and taking pictures as I turn around and take her hand to walk out of the courthouse.

“It’s beautiful, Derrick,” Daphne says gazing out at the city. “How did you ever manage to book this?”

We’re at the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center and I’ve managed to buy the entire observation lounge. It’s just me and Daphne and all of New York City.

“Do you like it, love?” I ask her, coming closer. “I wanted to take you somewhere to celebrate.”

I pick up two glasses of champagne and hand one to Daphne. We clink our glasses and take a sip.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024